Every once in a great while......the FRIEND box will come up and say "Would you like FRIEND to be your friend" When you click yes it states "FRIEND is no longer a registered user." This is a software glitch that pehaps you are not aware of?
Every once in a great while......the FRIEND box will come up and say "Would you like FRIEND to be your friend" When you click yes it states "FRIEND is no longer a registered user." This is a software glitch that pehaps you are not aware of?
Hello WarlockWiz :) Yes, this has happened to me quite often, especially since several people are getting their thrills and excitement by SPAMMING the Friend Request feature and abusing it in trying to get others to accept them (for whatever reason). This is quite a nuisance and IS harrassment! We politely tell them "no" but they won't take that as an answer. As a result, the continuous spamming of this could be causing their name to disappear, and only the word "Friend" appears in place of their name. Now I don't know if it is a "Bug", or if it is just that the darn server they have is getting tired of all of these spammed friend requests! LOL!
Tell me this if you can remember where they in the same world and or area? From what I've experienced dealing with the issue of it just saying friend, i think they have to be in your world and or area for their name to register. Its as if the location draws the name from a list of players in the vicinity.
Well, I think they would have to be near you to click on you to be able to keep sending the request over and over again. I don't know how else it could be done. If there is a different way, especially if they could be anywhere to send it, then it definitely would be a problem and need to be corrected, because they are hiding when they are sending it. Because sending blind FR's from a different realm is DEFINITELY a harrassment situation, LOL. I've only known that you have to click on the person you're wanting to send the FR to, and it opens up a box on the upper right side of your screen, then you choose to send the FR from there. So, I don't know. Just from what I have experienced, the continuous spamming of the FR's at first would include the name of the person sending it, then all of a sudden, I would start getting the FR's from someone named "Friend", LOL.
Yes while this is true that they have to be able to click on you, if they already have and you have changed zones their user window on you is still open. The only way their's will close is if they close it or something causes it to close such as transitioning to a new area like ravenwood to dorm.