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Frame Rate Drop?

Feb 04, 2009
I have a pretty decent computer (specs below), and I've never had any FPS issues with any game I play. I used to run W101 on an old computer that I'm not entirely sure even had a graphics card with little to no drops in frame rate.

Lately, after playing for about 30 minutes - an hour, the game will get super choppy and my FPS drops to around 9 from a solid 60.

Anyone else experiencing this issue? Any fixes?

Jul 25, 2012
This usually happens to me when I minimize the game a few times and return to the game. My fps drops a whole lot. Probably an issue on KingsIsle's end?

Jul 02, 2017
I've been having the same issue. I've changed the graphics to the lowest setting & I've even tried playing the game on different computers, but it's still pretty choppy. Hopefully Kingisle fixes this

Aug 01, 2014
Honestly, the same thing is happening to me. I do something simple like gardening or fishing or etc. and the game just goes to 7-14 frames per second. I think it might be a problem on KingsIsle's end, and if it is, I hope that they can fix it.

Flint CrowRider, Level 125 Wizard
Flint SunCaller, Level 42 Wizard

Aug 03, 2014
I keep getting long pauses and the message that it is 'unresponsive' while playing too. It usually rectifies itself but sometimes I have to close it and log back in. I'm not sure what's caused it or when exactly it started but it's been pretty recent.

I thought it was my computer and I've been clearing out tons of stuff I don't need any more...perhaps that is not the cause but the spring clean can't hurt. I hope they identify what it is and fix it

Mar 13, 2016
I hope I'm not Necroing this post but since it's not closed, I my wife and I have been noticing this too, if it helps anyone, I have a decent rig running win 10 and she has an older laptop running win 7, so power/age/OS are not factors it seems