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Firecat Alley & Daily Assignments

Mar 16, 2012
I don't understand what is up with Firecat Alley when it comes to fighting a mob for my Daily assignment. It doesn't matter that there were dozens of a certain kind of creature on previous days; the day their name comes up for a daily - they practically become extinct! I have to server hop more than several times before I can find even one.
Please, if you can, find a way to ensure that there are every kind of enemy on all servers.

Oct 27, 2009
I would guess the trouble is that they are getting heavily hunted by others doing the daily quest. I've noticed that sometimes low and high level pirates are sent on different daily quests, other times, no matter the level of wizard they all are sent to the same location and creature. In that case, it probably means everyone in the spiral is hunting them. I find if I wait a minute or two, the one I'm looking for tends to respawn.