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Filter Suggestions

Jul 19, 2009
This is the current Filter.
This is my prefferable Filter.
:) and this is your listening to my random ranting of how the filter is wrong.
1. Numbers should not be blocked. Numbers are used in so many ways, there not just used to describe your age, witch is why ( I'm guessing ) they took numbers off the allowed phrases.
2. I couldn't help but notice that states are allowed.
this is a no ( to me ).
Small kids are giving away there locations with this allowed.
The creaters of this game should remove things such as this ( locations ).
3. ( this is the last part ) Offencive things like "Shut up" and "loser" should be added to the allowed phrases.
If people wish to fight or talk trash to others, than that's there deal.
Thank you for reading.

Jan 07, 2009
1. Numbers are banned so small kids can't give away their addresses and phone numbers. This is worse than saying their states, BTW.

2. States AREN'T allowed. But combinations are. I see people saying "Text As" and "Color A Do." KI should ban state combinations as well.

3. I disagree. Little kids can grow up to be offensive, hurtful, and abusive. 6-year-olds play this game. Remember that.

May 28, 2009
I have to agree with Resetti123. The Filtered chat is not for adults. That is why they now have Open Chat. It allows responsible adults to use numbers, state names, and other language that filtered chat does not allow. The three different chat options need to stay the way they are.

May 29, 2009

> 1. Numbers should not be blocked. Numbers are used in so many
> ways, there not just used to describe your age, witch is why
> ( I'm guessing ) they took numbers off the allowed phrases.

phone numbers are probably the primary concern here and a valid one. KI has introduced open chat now. If you're an adult, enable it.

> 2. I couldn't help but notice that states are allowed.
> this is a no ( to me ).
> Small kids are giving away there locations with this allowed.
> The creaters of this game should remove things such as this
> ( locations ).

I don't think actual states are allowed, but people are getting away with typing in phonetics. Not sure you can do anything about that.

> 3. ( this is the last part ) Offencive things like "Shut up"
> and "loser" should be added to the allowed phrases.
> If people wish to fight or talk trash to others, than that's
> there deal.

No, those things should not. How exactly do those phrases add to the value of the game? In fact, they detract from the game.

Jul 06, 2009
Like others, I disagree with the above three statements. That being said, I have menu chat enabled for my 9yo and 5yo that play the game. They don't "hear" what people say, but I do. I also frequently see "Techs as" and other go-arounds to talking about your area/region. I also see a lot of people saying, "Sheet" and meaning the cuss, etc.

There are three levels of chat for a reason. If you want to be able to say more things, use the Open Chat. I, for one, am glad KI has three options that support all ages of wizards and protect our youngest from possible predators.

Along those lines, I saw someone in Ambrose's quarters saying, "Are there any young boys here?" and "I am a policeman, it's OK." to people. I was glad, at the time, that my sons could not see this person. I explained that reasoning to my oldest and he understood and was glad I was protecting him.

Jul 19, 2009
Digimoron226 wrote:
This is the current Filter.
This is my prefferable Filter.
:) and this is your listening to my random ranting of how the filter is wrong.
1. Numbers should not be blocked. Numbers are used in so many ways, there not just used to describe your age, witch is why ( I'm guessing ) they took numbers off the allowed phrases.
2. I couldn't help but notice that states are allowed.
this is a no ( to me ).
Small kids are giving away there locations with this allowed.
The creaters of this game should remove things such as this ( locations ).
3. ( this is the last part ) Offencive things like "Shut up" and "loser" should be added to the allowed phrases.
If people wish to fight or talk trash to others, than that's there deal.
Thank you for reading.


Thanks, I didn't think of that before posting this. XD

Jun 18, 2009
so how do you remove the filter. sometimes just want to say my xp that i need for the next level or just my current level. I see some people have open chat. I became a member but don't seem to have it or able to type regular two digit numbers.

Jul 30, 2009
swtogirl wrote:
Along those lines, I saw someone in Ambrose's quarters saying, "Are there any young boys here?" and "I am a policeman, it's OK." to people. I was glad, at the time, that my sons could not see this person. I explained that reasoning to my oldest and he understood and was glad I was protecting him.

I've got to say myself, that especially in the evening and on weekends, being in the Commons seems more of a 'dating/pickup' site then a game site. Your screen gets filled with 'I need a girl', 'I need a boy', and 'Will you be my boy/girl friend' balloons.

I've even changed realms to avoid it to no avail.

Add into that the go arounds for the profanity useage (especially by those rejected or those fed up with those looking for 'dates') and people offering to sell codes for cards, being in the Commons can be a miserable place to have to go.

KI has put in some great features to try to ensure childrens' experiences in the game. But they really need to do something about the 'looking for a date' members. Worse off is it's not a reportable offense, unlike the other going ons in the Commons.

Oct 16, 2008
If you want numbers just subscribe, then enable open chat. If you don't want to see anything just use menu chat only. That allows you to say you level etc. If you don't think it matters if people can give out their age, it does. It may seem innocent, but it absolutely is not, if you really care to, go to google images, turn off safe search, and start doing searches on various ages, make sure to have a trash can to vomit into. If that still doesn't let you know why it's not safe for kids to give out their ages, then just start following the links on those pages, you'll get there eventually.