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Family Account

Aug 01, 2008
I would like to add more two more family members to my current plan. How do I do that? My plan currently consists of three family members, including myself, and it expires at the end of next month. I plan to renew but do I need to wait until then to add my new family members?

Hi There!

That's easy! Just click on Help & Support > Support and type in "family account" in the search field. The first article is how to set up a family account (pictures included!).

Let me know if you have troubles!

Jun 03, 2009
I have 2 other members on my family account..when we play at the same time we cannot see each other..whats up with that??

Nov 05, 2008
Devary wrote:
I have 2 other members on my family account..when we play at the same time we cannot see each other..whats up with that??

you need to 'meet up' with each other. set a time place and realm and 'introduce' your wizards. just because you are on the same family account does not mean you will 'know' each other. i have six wizards on my personal account and i have accounts for other family members, my fire wizard knows my niece, but she does not know my balance, who knows my sister, who knows my fire balance and death, but does not know my ice, who plays with my special friend. i hope this helps explain it all

May 28, 2009
In order to see each other in the game you must be on the same realm. Open your realms tab in the options dialog and check what realm you are on. Then tell the person you want to meet and have them change to that realm (or visa versa). Once you are friends you will be able to see each other even if you are on separate realms. And when you port to one another your realm will be changed automagicly to match.