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emailing my username? Dworgyn help!

Apr 13, 2011
I recently sent an email to KI support for an issue I am having. they sent back an email saying they could help but would need more information and asked me to send my username to help. I like to keep all my info very secure and I know KI very heavily warns players about sharing this info. what I am asking is if I should send my username? do they really need it? Dworgyn can you please answer this for me?

Jun 06, 2008
We will often ask for your username (especially if you have multiple accounts that use the same email address). We will NEVER ask for your password.

Make sure before responding that it is an official KingsIsle email address. We will never email players from gmail.com, yahoo.com, or any other email service other than wizard101.com, kingsisle.com, pirate101.com, etc.

Apr 13, 2011
Dworgyn on Aug 16, 2017 wrote:
We will often ask for your username (especially if you have multiple accounts that use the same email address). We will NEVER ask for your password.

Make sure before responding that it is an official KingsIsle email address. We will never email players from gmail.com, yahoo.com, or any other email service other than wizard101.com, kingsisle.com, pirate101.com, etc.
Thank You