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Eldritch Tower?

Oct 24, 2019
Why do I keep seeing that certain items are found in an "Eldritch Tower"? - Examples: Market Tent, Medium Fir Tree

The icon next to the name suggests its similar to the Nomad Traveler, Minotaur, Treehouse, Fish Bowl, etc. daily interactive items.

JValhalla on Mar 15, 2020 wrote:
Why do I keep seeing that certain items are found in an "Eldritch Tower"? - Examples: Market Tent, Medium Fir Tree

The icon next to the name suggests its similar to the Nomad Traveler, Minotaur, Treehouse, Fish Bowl, etc. daily interactive items.
Here's more about the mysterious Eldritch Tower: https://www.swordroll.com/2019/01/wizard101-mysterious-eldritch-tower.html