So first, The dungeon i'm on is Katensteins lab and it estamates 1hr 20min. I only get an hour of play time at one time. Fortunatly for me i can have friends, what about people who have limited time and cannot have friends. Right now i'm on summer break and nobody is on during the morning so what if they can only play in the morning.
Even on busy days the dungeons have nobody waiting at them and it is almost impossible to solo a dungeon.
Also it says you can leave for thirty minutes. In the ironworks i was at Pop's o'Leary and died there. I had to restart even though thirty minutes had not past. That same time when i switched servers ( I had been of for 3 hours) it let me skip past the first part before the secound place you see baxter.
Can you please shorten dungeons and actually not let me skip ahead. Although it was nice :) :-) :D