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Dude, where's my badge?!

May 28, 2009
I have three different characters and my wife has like six, and all of our people have completed all the quests in the krokosphinx and the message pops up that we have recieved the "krokosphinx delver" or some such thing and when we went to look at it, it is not there. What is really wierd is tonight when i did it for the first time with my death student I once again got the message of the achievment and when to look for it and found that the badge had over ridden my "junior archeologist" badge, but i was able to click on the badge and have the "krokosphinx delver" message above my head. A short time later I had to switch realms and looked and my badges again and saw that my delver badge was gone and that my junior badge was back, but the delver message is still above my head so I know that i'm not going crazy!
Can someone please tell me what is going on, or at least confirm that other people are experiencing the same problem with their badges? Also, if this is a glitch that is going to be fixed, will all my badges that i have earned show up after wards with no problems?
One last thing. Is there any plans on opening new badges for defeating Grizzlehelm monsters or compleating Grizzlehelm quests?