I'm curious, has anyone else been having difficulty collecting from the dragonfly in the Amber Estate? Mine hasn't been flying since the latest update. I hit the "X" button and nothing, my dragonfly no longer allows me to fly. Have had no issues with the other interactive collects, just the dragonfly. Am I the only one?
I am having the same problem. It started after the latest update. I waited a few days to see if it would be fixed but it has not. I have reported the problem to the Wizard folks. If others are having issues, please report it so they know there is a problem and hopefully it will be fixed soon. Thanks for replying to this post for me M. Rainstrider. :)
WHEW, thanks to both of you for replying! It is always a great relief to know it is not just me! I had tried all kinds of things to troubleshoot the situation and none worked. I figured this was a good place to start for further investigation as these boards are monitored and it would help them know that it isn't a singular problem.
My dragonfly is generally very kind and generous on our jaunts around the hive, I miss the goodies!
I too have had the same problem with the Dragonfly ride in the Amber Estate not working since the day Empyrea went live. I check at the same time every day, and nothing happens at all when you click "X". We want our rewards plz.
Can confirm that the Dragonfly Ride is Grounded. Pressing "x" does nothing. Tested my own as well as others in the housing tours and it seems that its offline. Thanks
I did turn in a report and the great folks at Kingsisle are working on rectifying the situation. Hopefully it will be soon, but no doubt this is a daunting task!
In the meantime I will be working on my patience and be very grateful to them when they find the conflict in coding!
Thanks to you all for your input, its wonderful to know it wasn't just me!
A Big Thank You for the applying a fix!! I also did a run through on all of the housing interactive's and they all seem to be in working order. -Happy Thanksgiving KI btw :)