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Does it exist? Is it a glitch? Or am I unlucky?

Jun 14, 2010
So, I've been farming Atlantea on and off for a while now, trying to get the lvl 70 Poseidon's Wave Walker boots to complete my balance wizard's Poseidon set.

I've seen screen shots of the stats for these boots at level 70 on Duelist101. No big deal I'll just keep farming and hope the image isn't photo shopped, let's face it people do that sometimes.

So the idea pops in my head to check the Wizard101 wiki which is usually does okay pretty with its accuracy. The Wizard101 Wiki says that Poseidon's Wave Walkers are level 90 boots that are only dropped by Hades the Unseen. So just to make sure it's not a typo, I went back to their entry for Poseidon in Atlantea, and scrolled down to the his loot table and looked at the gear he drops.

Under the boot tab there's are level 70 Poseidon boots for all the schools except balance. I know it is very possible the wiki page for Poseidon in Atlantea isn't complete, in the gear tabs above there are missing pieces of Poseidon gear for some of the other schools. But I've been farming for what feels like ages now, and I still haven't managed to get the level 70 Poseidon Wave Walkers. Given how long it took me to get the other two level 70 pieces, Poseidon's Wave Crest Helm and Poseidon's Calm Seas Cloak I feel like I should have been dropped the boots by now. Thus is why I've come to question their existence.

At this point I'm really frustrated with this dungeon/the game and feel like I'm wasting my time for nothing. I just want someone who has boots or would know to tell me if the level 70 Poseidon's Wave Walkers are real or not. Were the boots removed from the game, are Poseidon's drops are glitched, or am I just really unlucky?

Any and all answers are very appreciated thanks you!