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Didn't receive my evel 88 Ice Spell Quest

Nov 07, 2009
I just came back after a long break and spent the better part of three days grinding to get level 88 because theres a serious disparity in abilities for PvE for the ice school and other schools at my level. Upon reaching level 88 I didn't get a single prompt, not the dinosaur that people say pops up for the polymorph, nor Lydia prompting me about the new spell. I have completed every quest I can think of for the Ice school itself up until now and I have no idea why it wouldn't have just popped up for me like it has for others. I have not completed the Azteca main quest line yet, so I don't know if that might be the cause of my problem. If anyone has any ideas please let me know in the replies to this topic.

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
Before you can get your level 88 spell quest, you must have completed the quest for your level 68 spell. (I'm assuming you did, that's the Woolly Mammoth spell.) For the level 88 spell, Lord of Winter, you should get a summons from Lydia Greyrose, and have quested far enough into Azteca that you have access to Mangrove Marsh. Check her in her office, maybe she's already waiting to talk to you.

If she isn't standing there with a quest for you, make sure you have the Woolly Mammoth spell - it's a pre-requisite for Lord of Winter.

Here's a link to all the Ice School spells, in case you need to backtrack and pick up any spells you may have missed along the way.


And here is information on how to earn the Lord of Winter spell:


Good luck!

Alia Misthaven

Jul 01, 2011


Check out this link and follow the prequests.

If it doesn't work, and you still have not gotten a response from an administrator, my best guess would be that you should contact Kingsisle Support directly!

Best of luck!