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Did Waterworks Stop Dropping Mega Snacks?

Apr 19, 2010
Okay KI, I have tried waterworks for mega snacks 5 times and I haven't gotten a single snack! Everyone else that comes in there with me gets them but not me! I might as well stop playing waterworks until I think I can waste another hour in there. And Mirror Lake, i just don't want two mega pet snacks. I want Mega Snacks!

Aug 01, 2011
KN1GHT69 wrote:
Okay KI, I have tried waterworks for mega snacks 5 times and I haven't gotten a single snack! Everyone else that comes in there with me gets them but not me! I might as well stop playing waterworks until I think I can waste another hour in there. And Mirror Lake, i just don't want two mega pet snacks. I want Mega Snacks!
Waterworks Mega snacks are ultra rare patients young wizard! Also Mirror lake if you want like a bunch do it on a weekend during school or pick a day to do it when your not busy. Working hard in this game will give you the prize you want.

Apr 28, 2009
Just be patient, it is not a 100% chance that you will get Mega Pet snacks, as they are rare. It's randomly determined.

Jul 03, 2010
I believe I have heard the drop rate has been raised to Rare, pretty much the same as the gear rate drop.

What happens is people farm these things to much for valuable items so the drop rate gets lowered. Mirror Lake got a total tune up. In the end what it seems to have done for me is make it near to impossible to get anyone to drag their wizard though it for very little or possibly no reward - ugh.

Jan 03, 2011
They still drop but yes, to be rewarded you have to work quite a bit. the drop rate lessened because people had reportedly found a way to redo luska (the first boss) indefinitely. so the usual 1 mega snack guarantee was waived off for all the bosses in there. Luska still drops them but the drop rate is like for an amulet . syslter and his buddies drop with a higher rate. you really have to prove your worth though
I haven't actually been able to identify what determines the drop rate of any boss out there. but i think it has to to with either damage output, number of spells cast, or the rank of the spells cast. I get 1 or 2 megas from syslter pretty often (sometimes nothing) though since i am usually the main damage dealer. it might also be randomly determined but that always sounded weird to me, i don't like to leave things up to chance...

I am curious by what you mean when you say "mega pet snacks" and "mega snacks" lol. if you want snacks the best place is mirror lake really. it's shorter, easier and the guarantee is always there...

Mar 24, 2009
Like all drops, Mega Snacks in the Waterworks are completely random. You have a 50/50 chance to get one--either you get the snacks, or you don't.