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Crown shop and treasure card trade problem

Mar 20, 2011
Is it possible for you to allow crown shop items among treasure card trades?

I know you are only wanting to allow treasure card trades but this is a huge problem. The problem is that we have an ability to gift crown shop items. But since we can’t actually trade them many people get scammed.

I’m not asking for the ability to trade anything else. Just items that we can gift to other people. Because I don’t see how this is ever going to stop being a problem for giftable items.

If we are allowed to gift items will there be any harm in being able to trade them as well? Will this scamming problem ever stop? If so, please let me know your thoughts on this.. :)

Please consider!

Thank you for reading!

pinerat on Aug 9, 2021 wrote:
Is it possible for you to allow crown shop items among treasure card trades?

I know you are only wanting to allow treasure card trades but this is a huge problem. The problem is that we have an ability to gift crown shop items. But since we can’t actually trade them many people get scammed.

I’m not asking for the ability to trade anything else. Just items that we can gift to other people. Because I don’t see how this is ever going to stop being a problem for giftable items.

If we are allowed to gift items will there be any harm in being able to trade them as well? Will this scamming problem ever stop? If so, please let me know your thoughts on this.. :)

Please consider!

Thank you for reading!
Hi Pinerat! Is the "scam" you are referring to someone offering a crown shop item in return for a certain treasure card and vise versa? This is a predicament, players should refrain from accepting deals like these, but a lot of the time they may not know better. The only thing would be to contact customer support and try to spread the word to not take deals like these. I would suggest putting your idea of a trade system like this one in The Dorms category for more visibility. Thank you for the report!