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Crab Alley Royal Palace Bug

Jul 11, 2012
I've recently created a new ice wizard and was progressing through the crab alley storyline, but when I approached the end, where you have to return to the palace to speak to King Thermidor after delivering his note to Catherine, he is not appearing in the room but King Amadeo is and I can not interact with anything to make him go away and have Thermidor appear, is anyone else experiencing this bug?

Feb 28, 2009
my character ryan ash is on the last quest of crab alley. i already talked to catherine and i have to talk to king thermidor again now. the problem is he disappeared and king amadeo is back. i have logged off, switched my character and went on a different realm but nothing has worked. how do i fix this glitch? thanks.

Mar 31, 2020
So I went back to Triton Avenue and saw that i forgot the whole underwater quest line. (I'm level 49 now lol oops). Anyways, I can not finish the quest because if i enter the castle where King Thermidor is supposed to be its still King Amadeo. I have seen other posts on Reddit and such about it being a glitch. Is there anyway to fix it, or did I miss something? Please help!!

May 16, 2014
After the fight with King Amadeo, wizards have to deliver a poem from King Thermidor to Catherine, and then return to Thermidor. However, when entering the castle after delivering the poem, Thermidor isn't visible. Only Amadeo (who should be gone) is there.
I and a handful of other wizards have tried various strategies of getting to King Thermidor again, including entering the castle over and over again, logging out and logging back in, and teaming up with other players who are currently at the Amadeo fight. None of these have worked.
Photo proof, if you need it. The first image is from my wizard, the second is from another person's.

Jun 13, 2018
I have been having the same issue. King Thermidor is not appearing. I entered with another wizard and she was able to see and talk to him, but there is no one at the end of my quest finding arrow. King Amadeo is the only one standing there. I emailed kingsisle support yesterday, but I’m still waiting for a response. Another big I’ve noticed was with Duncan; you can’t return quests to him once finished. I’m not really sure what to do for either of these glitches. I hope they fix it soon.

Oct 03, 2015
I'm on the "Good to be King" quest where I have to talk to King Thermidor after having just delivered his love letter but he is nowhere to be found. The arrow leads to where he should be but he is not there. Only king Amadeo is there. He is not even invisible as pressing X on the place accomplishes nothing. I tried exiting and choosing character again, exiting the client and re-logging in, restarting my pc, going to another location and coming back, going to another dungeon and coming back, trying to talk to king (Thermidor) in his concert (could not), and even defeating King Amadeo in the dungeon again via group up. None of that ixes the problem. Please help as I don't want to have a unfinishable quest forever in my log, that would bother me quite greatly.

Aug 26, 2014
I am having the exact same issue and I really don't know how to fix it. I hope the glitch fixes soon

Apr 28, 2020
I', also currently having the same issue with King Thermidor not being in his castle and I tried the same methods that others have tried and it is still not showing up. Looks like the glitch hasn't been fixed and has occurred for at least 8 years. I also just noticed that most of these posts have happened around the same time, April 30th and May 1st. Weird...

Dec 13, 2012
I am having this same problem ("Good to be King" quest).

Mar 18, 2012
ArticWolf925 on May 2, 2020 wrote:
I', also currently having the same issue with King Thermidor not being in his castle and I tried the same methods that others have tried and it is still not showing up. Looks like the glitch hasn't been fixed and has occurred for at least 8 years. I also just noticed that most of these posts have happened around the same time, April 30th and May 1st. Weird...
I'm having the same issue, and if i had to guess i would say its something the spring update dod, as everyone in this thread has posted after the spring update complaining about this

Apr 15, 2020
Jul 27, 2009
Nov 11, 2019
Jul 23, 2019
Swashbuckling Jay on Apr 30, 2020 wrote:
I've recently created a new ice wizard and was progressing through the crab alley storyline, but when I approached the end, where you have to return to the palace to speak to King Thermidor after delivering his note to Catherine, he is not appearing in the room but King Amadeo is and I can not interact with anything to make him go away and have Thermidor appear, is anyone else experiencing this bug?
I am having the same problem on my newbie Ice wizard. Any solutions yet?

Mar 28, 2016
Right after i couldn't get storm lord, this issue pops up and now I can not reach water works!

Thanks everyone for your patience while we work on a fix for this latest issue. The following post is where we are tracking these issues and when we can confirm they have been fixed:


Dec 25, 2019
Does anyone know how to solve this bug yet or do we just have to wait for them to fix it because it's been almost 3 whole days

Apr 08, 2012
Dec 26, 2008
Still broken March 6th 12 am. Great game, after 10 years I decided to try a membership. Would like to see the developers on their game after the steam release, would make a good comeback in this year.

We hope to have a fix out tomorrow morning during this week's maintenance. Please let us know if the problem or other related problems are not resolved after that update.

Nov 15, 2009
This issue persists. It is now 2020. I received an email saying they thought it was resolved. Wizard101, this issue is not resolved. PLEASE FIX KING THERMIDOR. Thanks

-Sarai Pearl

Dec 05, 2011
This has happened to my ice wizard, no King Thermidor only Amadeo who I've already defeated.

Apr 25, 2020
Sparck. on May 6, 2020 wrote:
We hope to have a fix out tomorrow morning during this week's maintenance. Please let us know if the problem or other related problems are not resolved after that update.
All fixed, thank you very much!