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comcast. not working!

May 24, 2009
Kingsisle, do you guys have comcast coverage? at my house we have verizon and it works like a charm. but our vacation home has comcast and it doesn't work! what's up with that! please get back because wizard 101 is awesome! and it not working is not fun!


Well, that’s most frustrating to be sure. One thing to understand though, is that the internet is the internet is the internet – some providers offer differing speeds and venues, but it’s all going to the same place. Without understanding exactly what issue you’re experiencing, it’s difficult to narrow down what may be the likely cause. Send me ticket and let me know if you’re getting an error, if you are using a different computer, what are you seeing on your screen (screen shots are worth 10,000 words!). We’ll likely get you patched up and back to saving the spiral in short order!

And don’t forget to wear sunscreen!!