I just went through Clocktower East, and it has some serious problems. Some of the levels show only one bad guy, then another will simply appear. The one (or two!) that appears does not have any animations, you MUST click on his name to target him. Also, it doesn't tell you what school they are, and how much damage you did to them. As I assume they were life, and so am I, it made it very difficult to defeat them, though thank goodness for my banshee and vampire spells!
I just went through Clocktower East, and it has some serious problems. Some of the levels show only one bad guy, then another will simply appear. The one (or two!) that appears does not have any animations, you MUST click on his name to target him. Also, it doesn't tell you what school they are, and how much damage you did to them. As I assume they were life, and so am I, it made it very difficult to defeat them, though thank goodness for my banshee and vampire spells!
Reed Firehammer
It's not just the clock tower. The Golem Court is experiencing the same thing. I just tried to do the quest and they were invisible, or only 1 would be there or 2 would be there, but 1 of them would be in the running position in mid air and I couldn't attack him. I think it may have to do with the latest upgrade. Something must have gone wrong. I just fed up and left the quest and contacted tech support.
I just went through Clocktower East, and it has some serious problems. Some of the levels show only one bad guy, then another will simply appear. The one (or two!) that appears does not have any animations, you MUST click on his name to target him. Also, it doesn't tell you what school they are, and how much damage you did to them. As I assume they were life, and so am I, it made it very difficult to defeat them, though thank goodness for my banshee and vampire spells!
Reed Firehammer
Did you turn in a report to Mr. Lincoln? I last sent someone through there about two or so weeks ago and things were fine.