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Chat Rules / Chat Dictionary

Aug 08, 2008
OK. This is probably a really stupid question and if the information is available somewhere, please let me know, but what are the rules/limitations on text/chat? I've noticed that certain words can turned into dots (...). That makes sense as you want to limit or control what gets said. No problem with that. But, for the life of me, I can't figure out why it would do that with numbers. Shouldn't I be able to type "be back in 10 minutes"? Is there some big no-no I'm running up against? I looked in the player's guide but it didn't seem to have a lot of detail on the subject. Is there some place I can look for an explanation? Thanks.

The chat works off of a list of words we have added to it.

Words that are spelled incorrectly or not in our list, will appear as "...".

Numbers are not a part of that dictionary and you can find several threads on these message boards talking about that in particular.

If there's a word that you think is missing, you can suggest it by logging into the website, clicking Help-> Support -> Ask a Question.

Aug 08, 2008
Pretty much knew that was the answer, but still unclear why numbers wouldn't be part of the list. I've searched the forums for previous posting on this using the words "chat" and "number" but only get the posting I just did as response. Is it possible to get a link to one of these previous postings or can I get an explanation why numbers are not included (whether typed as "10" or "ten"). Thanks.

Aug 08, 2008
OK. I did a little more digging and found one of the postings. Not sure why I couldn't search to find it since it have the word "number" in the title, but I do understand where some of the concerns are now. Much appreciated.