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Changing the colors of mounts on the Test Realm

May 06, 2009

I recently installed and tested the Test Realm to see how the new mounts added to the game worked. While they are very very neat, I found that the process of changing their colors was very buggy and unreliable. The option to change the colors of the mounts themselves seems to be greyed out/disabled.

Currently it seems the only way you can do this is by loading the dye/color changing option when buying a new item of clothing - then you click X and go to the mounts page. This is very, very unintuitive - I do realize this is a Test Realm and that things are almost certainly not complete, but it is an issue I felt worth speaking up about. There were many other players on the test realm, with multiple recolors of the mounts, but none of them could provide a surefire way to achieve this.

Please take the time to make this potentially very cool feature work properly and intuitively before the content patch reaches live servers. Thank you!

Nicole Ravensong