I propose, since this is the route KI wants to take against storm wizards, that KI also takes out any and all storm shields. There is no Balance shield, and since our health is that low and our accuracy is that low, it would only be fitting if people can only tower shield against us. Yeah, that sounds like a fair trade for our wonderful Wild Bolt Spell. All in favor, please post.
Oh, and all you people that say, no storm is too powerful, this and that, you have health, you have shields, you have your strengths, and nobody is taking anything away from your wizard, if anything, KI is making Life, Ice, Balance, and Death very dominant in this game.
I agree that wild bolt as it stands now is broken. However, you are acting like its the only spell in your arsenal. You also keep talking about low accuracy, but the precise problem with the original wild bolt is that the new gear in celestia makes storm the MOST accurate class in the game, possibly even immune to black mantle or smoke screen. I understand and sympathize with your frustration. I hope that KI re-thinks this issue. However, I assure you. They aren't making the other classes dominant. They've got their issues and disappointments as well. Its not like they're neutering kraken, stormzilla, triton, storm lord, or the new leviathan.
Yes, I may be going a little overboard with my solution, I will admit that, but that is exactly what KI did with wild bolt now. Ane here is another question, why did KI take a poll if the results did not matter and bolt was going to be changed anyway? Then, We are told, that they were going to continue to listen to this board and evaluate everything that has been said. Well, so far, I think maybe 2 posts have been in favor of this change. The rest dont like it and think it is unfair. Everyone is pretty much in agreement, that Wild Bold is "Useless".
No, they have not taken away kraken, stormzilla, triton, storm lord, or leviathan, "Yet". But with all the complaining on the power of storm, they just might, since we don't fizzle anymore.
Still, every talks about all the accuracy increases in the game, but those increases come with consequences. No Health and No resistances. Also, they require uses of training points. Yet, this is the biggest waste that was incorperated, because why have a spell to increase accuracy of 20% for 4 rounds and Unstoppable card for +30% accuracy? out of all the spells, 70% accuracy is the lowest accuracy now that they have made bolt useless, so these enhancements are now useless also.
One final thought, you say that KI is not making other schools dominant. A few examples of other schools dominance. ICE- Thought to be weakest class? Ice Blade amulet +45%, Ice Blade +40%, Elemental Blade +35%, Dragon Blade +30% (and if you like to spend a little gold (Treasure card Elemental Blade +40 %), and this is just in blades, not to mention traps, bubble, and feints, or gargatuan! Need I say more? Plus Ice has tower shield and Resistance to ALL! and High Health!
Life, I love life, and hate to do this, but Wow, Life is Powerful, Life can now heal, attack individuals with power ( Centaur ) or Attack all with power ( Forest Lord). I wont even get into their blades and increases, but it is powerful and they are healers. Simply awesome.
Balance, well, have you seen the new epic gear? Enchanted cards with increase to accuracy and resist all. Give Balance another feint to it's spells that already player do not have a shield against, and talk about massive killing quick. I can go on, considering, Dragon Blade +30%, Balance Blade +25%, Hex +30% and 2 feints is Overkill on any character and would only require half of the pips, not all 14.
Death. Well, all schools can use secondary feint, so I will leave death alone, but death has always been powerful with ability to have great minions, heal when attacking, and now, with Skeletal Dragon, Shields are no good too. NICE.
Yea i told my friends about the wild bolt that does 10 or 100 or 1000 damage and 70%. They hated it but not for the 70%. Well fix it or i'm going to quit having storm as my 2nd school. Now you better change it back to the 1000 expect for the 70%.
Ok maybe the new wild bolt is a little broken. but still you guys are acting like it is the only spell you use. just because one spell my be outta wack does not mean that you should remove things from others schools for it to be fair. Do you really need wild bolt that much that you would quit because of one spell. ( and besides KI said that they might keep it see how it does so unless it is perment dont over react)
I know KI is just trying to respond well to our requests, but this time they have failed. :( I don't even use this spell now, 10 and 100 damage is just WAY too low. Please change it back! Level 10 spells may even be better than this.
I propose, since this is the route KI wants to take against storm wizards, that KI also takes out any and all storm shields. There is no Balance shield, and since our health is that low and our accuracy is that low, it would only be fitting if people can only tower shield against us. Yeah, that sounds like a fair trade for our wonderful Wild Bolt Spell. All in favor, please post.
Oh, and all you people that say, no storm is too powerful, this and that, you have health, you have shields, you have your strengths, and nobody is taking anything away from your wizard, if anything, KI is making Life, Ice, Balance, and Death very dominant in this game.
I agree that wild bolt as it stands now is broken. However, you are acting like its the only spell in your arsenal. You also keep talking about low accuracy, but the precise problem with the original wild bolt is that the new gear in celestia makes storm the MOST accurate class in the game, possibly even immune to black mantle or smoke screen. I understand and sympathize with your frustration. I hope that KI re-thinks this issue. However, I assure you. They aren't making the other classes dominant. They've got their issues and disappointments as well. Its not like they're neutering kraken, stormzilla, triton, storm lord, or the new leviathan.
Yes, I may be going a little overboard with my solution, I will admit that, but that is exactly what KI did with wild bolt now. Ane here is another question, why did KI take a poll if the results did not matter and bolt was going to be changed anyway? Then, We are told, that they were going to continue to listen to this board and evaluate everything that has been said. Well, so far, I think maybe 2 posts have been in favor of this change. The rest dont like it and think it is unfair. Everyone is pretty much in agreement, that Wild Bold is "Useless".
No, they have not taken away kraken, stormzilla, triton, storm lord, or leviathan, "Yet". But with all the complaining on the power of storm, they just might, since we don't fizzle anymore.
Still, every talks about all the accuracy increases in the game, but those increases come with consequences. No Health and No resistances. Also, they require uses of training points. Yet, this is the biggest waste that was incorperated, because why have a spell to increase accuracy of 20% for 4 rounds and Unstoppable card for +30% accuracy? out of all the spells, 70% accuracy is the lowest accuracy now that they have made bolt useless, so these enhancements are now useless also.
One final thought, you say that KI is not making other schools dominant. A few examples of other schools dominance. ICE- Thought to be weakest class? Ice Blade amulet +45%, Ice Blade +40%, Elemental Blade +35%, Dragon Blade +30% (and if you like to spend a little gold (Treasure card Elemental Blade +40 %), and this is just in blades, not to mention traps, bubble, and feints, or gargatuan! Need I say more? Plus Ice has tower shield and Resistance to ALL! and High Health!
Life, I love life, and hate to do this, but Wow, Life is Powerful, Life can now heal, attack individuals with power ( Centaur ) or Attack all with power ( Forest Lord). I wont even get into their blades and increases, but it is powerful and they are healers. Simply awesome.
Balance, well, have you seen the new epic gear? Enchanted cards with increase to accuracy and resist all. Give Balance another feint to it's spells that already player do not have a shield against, and talk about massive killing quick. I can go on, considering, Dragon Blade +30%, Balance Blade +25%, Hex +30% and 2 feints is Overkill on any character and would only require half of the pips, not all 14.
Death. Well, all schools can use secondary feint, so I will leave death alone, but death has always been powerful with ability to have great minions, heal when attacking, and now, with Skeletal Dragon, Shields are no good too. NICE.
Storm has pretty much the exact same increses just like ice death life anything. stor has the only spell that puts all wards on people it has the only x spell that hits all people storms gear my not give much heath but gives the biggest increses in the game storm has the most power in spells which evens it out with the buffs from other schools. and storm is powerfull but because of its cons it is not the most powerfull.
No way! boy this new wild bolt stinks. I have a lvl 36 storm(almong with a grand death) and from both sides, i HATE the new wild bolt. Who wants to stack up blades and traps going for the big hit, and do 10 damage?? To voice my opinion, I do NOT like it. Either way, wizard101 still rocks. But the wild bolt change is disappointing :(
At the risk of going completely off topic here, I'm going to go ahead and give a detailed response because I hope that it can give some context to the whole reason that wild bolt is being addressed in the first place.
darthjt wrote:
Yes, I may be going a little overboard with my solution, I will admit that, but that is exactly what KI did with wild bolt now. Ane here is another question, why did KI take a poll if the results did not matter and bolt was going to be changed anyway? Then, We are told, that they were going to continue to listen to this board and evaluate everything that has been said. Well, so far, I think maybe 2 posts have been in favor of this change. The rest dont like it and think it is unfair. Everyone is pretty much in agreement, that Wild Bold is "Useless".
I don't think that they went overboard, however, I also don't think that they thought it through. Wild bolt is supposed to be "wild" and that is what they were trying to address. However, they ended up neutering it because now in all likelihood, it will cost you 2 pips for a spell that does 10 or 100 damage, and can strip traps and blades. It has always been used as a pip building spell and it can't be used for that any more. I don't work for KI and I'm not going to sit here and defend their poll. I think it was ill-advised to take a poll showing overwhelming disapproval and then ignore it. I'm totally with you on that point.
darthjt wrote:
No, they have not taken away kraken, stormzilla, triton, storm lord, or leviathan, "Yet". But with all the complaining on the power of storm, they just might, since we don't fizzle anymore.
The aren't going to take away the other spells, just bolt. The other spells are well in line with the school of storm. Let me give you an example. I personally saw a storm wizard in test realm sporting cumulative accuracy bonuses of 61% in gear. With the use of the unstoppable card, that means he could cast a 2 pip wild bolt spell dealing 1000 base damage at 101% accuracy. For grins, I just stopped by the bazaar and looked at level 56 storm gear.
Without even considering pets or looking for rare items and drops, I came up with the following totals:
+36% resist fire +36% ice resist +26% storm targeting +68% storm damage +380 max health +300 max mana +42% power pip chance
I only looked at level 56 boots, hat, robe, athame, and a ring. Clearly, I didn't look that hard because +26% targeting is almost nothing for storm these days. Lets just say that the gent I saw with +61% targeting had to jimmy stuff around by level 56 and is now down to +50% targeting and only +55% storm damage. With the use of unstoppable, he still has a 90% chance of dealing 1550 points of damage for 2 pips using zero blades or traps.
darthjt wrote:
Still, every talks about all the accuracy increases in the game, but those increases come with consequences. No Health and No resistances. Also, they require uses of training points. Yet, this is the biggest waste that was incorperated, because why have a spell to increase accuracy of 20% for 4 rounds and Unstoppable card for +30% accuracy? out of all the spells, 70% accuracy is the lowest accuracy now that they have made bolt useless, so these enhancements are now useless also.
Everything in the game has consequences. If I pick items with the biggest shielding, I'm not likely to boost much damage. That's where the strategy comes in. On the training points... Are you are referring to the new astral schools here? The purpose of accuracy boosts, as illustrated above, is primarily for storm spells or to possibly negate the effects of black mantle and smoke screen. The most useful thing I can think of would be for schools who train storm as their second school because they don't have the gear accuracy.
Having both unstoppable and the +20% targeting star spell would likely be because some folks would rather aura, and some would rather unstoppable to build treasure cards. There are merits to both, but its more a preference issue. I tend to think that this is another unintended consequence issue for KI because the only spell in the game that could benefit from them combined is the formerly "wild" bolt spell.
darthjt wrote:
One final thought, you say that KI is not making other schools dominant. A few examples of other schools dominance. ICE- Thought to be weakest class? Ice Blade amulet +45%, Ice Blade +40%, Elemental Blade +35%, Dragon Blade +30% (and if you like to spend a little gold (Treasure card Elemental Blade +40 %), and this is just in blades, not to mention traps, bubble, and feints, or gargatuan! Need I say more? Plus Ice has tower shield and Resistance to ALL! and High Health!
I have not seen the new Ice blade amulet, but the rest are all things that storm can do as well. Use disarm, or simply hit them with leviathan which will remove two positive charms. Using the level 56 gear from the bazaar that I mentioned earlier in this post:
A Gargantuaned Storm Lord deals 940 base damage with stun to all.
Typically cast on round 2 of the game, lets say you cast stormblade first, and then lord. Stormblade is 30% and your gear is 68% with a 96% chance of success. Assume no criticals. The math is: 1.68 x 1.30 = 2.18, 2.18 x 940 = 2049.2. On round 2 you have dealt approximately 2049 storm damage to all and stunned. It gets better. You have one friend with you that casts treasure elemental balance blade as well. That is: 1.68 x 1.30 x 1.40 = 3.06, 3.06 x 940 = 2876.4. You see where I'm going with this right?
Lets say you have a full team. The spells cast are stormblade, treasure and regular elemental balance blade, and dragonblade. The math on that is: 1.68 x 1.30 x 1.40 x 1.35 x 1.30 = 5.366088, 5.366 x 940 = 5044.04. Lets say that your team goes first and that round one each opposing team member casts storm shield. We'll say that you have the number 2 position because you have strategy. Guy one casts tempest, you lord, the other two do what the other two do. My ice in test realm was +37% resist to all and around 3100 health. Tempest takes out my storm shields and I get hit with 3177 damage after resist. I probably had the best chance of living.
All of this assumes no criticals. I fail to see how ice is dominant there. Same applies to the rest of your examples (only ice quoted). You can heal too through training or treasure cards. Forest Lord is still less damage than Storm Lord, takes one more pip, and doesn't have any after effects. They can't heal if they're dead.
I'm tossing out the feints because everyone can get those, because they consume pips to cast, and because giving storm an additional 30% and 25% boost (assuming treasure feint) would be stupid in my opinion. Diverging from my previous example, you still have this: Tower shield amulet, treasure tower shield, learned tower shield. That is -50% (-55% ?), -55%, and -50% for 0 pips. Lets say you let them charge up and they are able to do 14,000 damage after boosts, etc. The math would be 14000 x .5 x .45 x .5 = 1575 balance damage. Does that hurt? Sure. but can you survive it?
Skeletal dragon is great, but its a damage over time spell for one target and no after effects. I am still failing to see dominance here, only differences.
To summarize:
Have you noticed the common theme? They all need blades. What is one of your primary powers? To remove blades. What does leviathan do? It removes 2 blades. And for that matter, you could always buy an earthquake pendant. Most storm characters now in celestia are hovering around what, 60% damage boost or more? Add a single blade to your spell and you've well exceeded 2000 damage with leviathan. Add gargantuan and you've well exceeded 2500. I know there are towers, but its not that hard to get rid of them. Everything breaks them. You can pick up a couple of elf-like treasure cards and call that one good. Am I saying that everything is fine and nothing is out of whack? Well I'm certainly not trying to should it happen to sound that way.
Consider: one of the primary spells of ice is ice armor. It doesn't currently benefit in any way from gear. To protect it, I must cast shields AFTER I cast armor. If I were to cast full ice armor, I would have 1750 points of absorb. With only one stormblade and any of four "gargantuaned" spells (ranging from 5 to 8 pips), all those pips go down the drain and I take a muted but respectable hit. I say this to illustrate that there are issues with every class. Celestia is requiring people to think about things and use spells in ways they have never considered before. All of this is before we even begin to delve into the new critical hit system.
Coming back to the topic of this thread... without the old wild bolt, things are weird and still settling out but not completely out of balance. With it, its ridiculously out of balance. That's why KI needs to address it. Did they get the fix right? No, I don't think they did. Will they eventually? I hope so, but again, I don't work for them so I don't know. I hope you take this in the constructive tone which I am hoping I have conveyed it in because I am not trying to start a fight. I'm just trying to show (from my perspective) that I don't think any school is now becoming dominant or completely unbalanced.
Now they have removed wild bolt and replaced it with critical which everyone has, storm now has nothing special could be considered completely useless in PvP!
The writing is on the wall now. I never come to these message boards for any reason. But this change to wild bolt is useless and rather frustrating. The card I worked so hard to get for my storm wizard now lies completely dormant sitting in my choice of cards. If you ask ANYONE in the game the answer is unanimous......Wild Bolt is useless. Noone likes the change even if they are not not storm wizards. A sad day in WC when the card was changed. Please give us our bolt back!!
Even a card with a 50% chance 0f 500 or 1000 would be better than this. 10-100 damage is horrible and belongs back in unicorn way. Get real.
[Yep i agree that storm will be better off having any other spell because at least then we might be able to use it, instead of leaving it out of our decks.
Funny you say that mobs hit 1000 all the time, because that is exactly my opinion too. i dont think i have ever seen them hit anything but 1000, and once one got critical on me with a blade and wild bolt and killed me off first turn (his friend put the blade on him)
LOL I was just going through the posts about wild bolt and saw this post and had to laugh. The mobs tag team you and killed you in the first round? LOL. Ok it's not funny when it happened but it's sure funy seeing it here.
Anyways, as it relates to the forum topic; I think Storm wizards are being a little unfair in their arguments as it relates to wild bolt.
The argument proffered is that wild bolt is such a great spell and they rely heavily upon it (that's the impression given). I have hardly ever seen a wizard fighting NCPs and use wild bolt. They often use Triton or Kraken or Storm Lord but rarely do they use a wild bolt.
I do agree with them that the changes made to the spell has practically rendered it useless; that's like putting a storm serpent in your level 50 deck. I mean who whips out a snow beetle or a vampire bat in a high level duel? To that end, I think wild bolt should remain as it is: 10% accuracy. It should not be affected by boosts from gear or equipment, however, you can enchant the card to increase your advantage.
The problem seem to be with PVP. The issue of PVP need to be looked at because it has now severely affted normal game play. No one will complain aqbout levethian doing 6300+ damage against a boss but in PVP one might complain. Therefore, implement rules for PVP that do not affect your quest to save the spiral from evil because right now when am in a duel with a storm wizard in Celestia; I eed that wild bolt to hit 1000. YOu simply cannot afford a fizzle or a 10 damage hit or it could cost you the duel especially against the tower shield spamming ICe class Mobs.
The problem is not wild bolt. The problem is PVP. SO ban it from PVP and the whining will stop.
This was by far the wrong move for this spell. I'm not reading all 5 pages so sorry if I repeat here.
Before if the spell fiz'd it did just that. Now when the spell fails it can kill traps and blades. So there is less of a chance for the good hit, AND it kills your buffs.
That was a common strategy. Use bolt, if it hits awesome, if it doesnt you build your pips to the next spell without losing your buffs. And the vast majority of the time it did not hit.
All that was done was the spell was utterly ruined along with any strategies that went along with it.
I guess nobody that took part in your "extensive evaluation" has ever played pvp or lacks a decent strategy for winning in it.
With the other new spells and changes bolt's loss has not been felt by me too much, I still vastly overpower everybody. It's just a shame this fun crazy spell has been rendered useless and will no longer find it's way into my deck.
As bad as you killed the card it should be zero pips to cast.... The card needs to be left alone and if you don't want hit by a bolt in PVP, use SHIELDS...
i think that what most people are saying is true. up to now i used bolt only a couple of times since the changes and i have to say that 75 percent of the time it cast 10 damage. i do respect kingsiles and wizard community changes but i think this matter should be reviewed a little better. maybe by reducing the accuracy percenteage to maybe at least 50 and making the spell hit 500 or 1000 instead of what it hits now.
i know you will make this matter work well as you have in the past for anything thank you once again for your time and patience kingsisle and wizard faculty
At the risk of going completely off topic here, I'm going to go ahead and give a detailed response because I hope that it can give some context to the whole reason that wild bolt is being addressed in the first place.
I don't think that they went overboard, however, I also don't think that they thought it through. Wild bolt is supposed to be "wild" and that is what they were trying to address. However, they ended up neutering it because now in all likelihood, it will cost you 2 pips for a spell that does 10 or 100 damage, and can strip traps and blades. It has always been used as a pip building spell and it can't be used for that any more. I don't work for KI and I'm not going to sit here and defend their poll. I think it was ill-advised to take a poll showing overwhelming disapproval and then ignore it. I'm totally with you on that point.
I only looked at level 56 boots, hat, robe, athame, and a ring. Clearly, I didn't look that hard because +26% targeting is almost nothing for storm these days. Lets just say that the gent I saw with +61% targeting had to jimmy stuff around by level 56 and is now down to +50% targeting and only +55% storm damage. With the use of unstoppable, he still has a 90% chance of dealing 1550 points of damage for 2 pips using zero blades or traps.
darthjt wrote:
Still, every talks about all the accuracy increases in the game, but those increases come with consequences. No Health and No resistances. Also, they require uses of training points. Yet, this is the biggest waste that was incorperated, because why have a spell to increase accuracy of 20% for 4 rounds and Unstoppable card for +30% accuracy? out of all the spells, 70% accuracy is the lowest accuracy now that they have made bolt useless, so these enhancements are now useless also.
Everything in the game has consequences. If I pick items with the biggest shielding, I'm not likely to boost much damage. That's where the strategy comes in. On the training points... Are you are referring to the new astral schools here? The purpose of accuracy boosts, as illustrated above, is primarily for storm spells or to possibly negate the effects of black mantle and smoke screen. The most useful thing I can think of would be for schools who train storm as their second school because they don't have the gear accuracy.
Having both unstoppable and the +20% targeting star spell would likely be because some folks would rather aura, and some would rather unstoppable to build treasure cards. There are merits to both, but its more a preference issue. I tend to think that this is another unintended consequence issue for KI because the only spell in the game that could benefit from them combined is the formerly "wild" bolt spell.
darthjt wrote:
One final thought, you say that KI is not making other schools dominant. A few examples of other schools dominance. ICE- Thought to be weakest class? Ice Blade amulet +45%, Ice Blade +40%, Elemental Blade +35%, Dragon Blade +30% (and if you like to spend a little gold (Treasure card Elemental Blade +40 %), and this is just in blades, not to mention traps, bubble, and feints, or gargatuan! Need I say more? Plus Ice has tower shield and Resistance to ALL! and High Health!
I have not seen the new Ice blade amulet, but the rest are all things that storm can do as well. Use disarm, or simply hit them with leviathan which will remove two positive charms. Using the level 56 gear from the bazaar that I mentioned earlier in this post:
A Gargantuaned Storm Lord deals 940 base damage with stun to all.
Typically cast on round 2 of the game, lets say you cast stormblade first, and then lord. Stormblade is 30% and your gear is 68% with a 96% chance of success. Assume no criticals. The math is: 1.68 x 1.30 = 2.18, 2.18 x 940 = 2049.2. On round 2 you have dealt approximately 2049 storm damage to all and stunned. It gets better. You have one friend with you that casts treasure elemental balance blade as well. That is: 1.68 x 1.30 x 1.40 = 3.06, 3.06 x 940 = 2876.4. You see where I'm going with this right?
Lets say you have a full team. The spells cast are stormblade, treasure and regular elemental balance blade, and dragonblade. The math on that is: 1.68 x 1.30 x 1.40 x 1.35 x 1.30 = 5.366088, 5.366 x 940 = 5044.04. Lets say that your team goes first and that round one each opposing team member casts storm shield. We'll say that you have the number 2 position because you have strategy. Guy one casts tempest, you lord, the other two do what the other two do. My ice in test realm was +37% resist to all and around 3100 health. Tempest takes out my storm shields and I get hit with 3177 damage after resist. I probably had the best chance of living.
All of this assumes no criticals. I fail to see how ice is dominant there. Same applies to the rest of your examples (only ice quoted). You can heal too through training or treasure cards. Forest Lord is still less damage than Storm Lord, takes one more pip, and doesn't have any after effects. They can't heal if they're dead.
Skeletal dragon is great, but its a damage over time spell for one target and no after effects. I am still failing to see dominance here, only differences.
To summarize:
Have you noticed the common theme? They all need blades. What is one of your primary powers? To remove blades. What does leviathan do? It removes 2 blades.
Coming back to the topic of this thread... without the old wild bolt, things are weird and still settling out but not completely out of balance. With it, its ridiculously out of balance. That's why KI needs to address it. Did they get the fix right? No, I don't think they did. Will they eventually? I hope so, but again, I don't work for them so I don't know. I hope you take this in the constructive tone which I am hoping I have conveyed it in because I am not trying to start a fight. I'm just trying to show (from my perspective) that I don't think any school is now becoming dominant or completely unbalanced.
Thanks for listening.
Ok, this is not an arguement, but, you stated your point, now let me state mine. Yes, I understand that all the increased accuracy of storm is why Bolt had to be dealt with. Yet, as I stated, it made no sense to allow all the accuracy increases when 70% was the lowest spell except for Bolt.
Now, they want to get around Smoke Screen and Black Mantle? Then why even have those spells in the game? It drops your percentage, but you can still get the spells to work. That is what sniper, accuracy, and other treasure cards are for. If I got a black mantle or a smoke screen, I simply ddid not attempt to cast Bolt. Not that I ever used it often, mainly when I went into a Boss, I would spend a wild Bolt Shot at the minion to see if I could make it a 1v1. If not, I would blade up, then Storm Lord.
Anyway, that is getting off the issue. This is not the test realm, we human players only start out with 4 pips, not 6 like in test realm. We dont get to cast powerful attacks second round. Our enemies can, but not us. Yes, I do realize the power of Storm, even without the use of Bolt, never said we were not powerful. Yet, We do have the worst health imaginable. 1980 at level 50.
We do not have multi round attacks, or damage over time, we have 1 shot. So, with a storm shield, subtract 80% damage right there. or 70%, either way. Some really go all out and use storm shield and tower shield, or 2 different storm shields. So yes, I agree, a lot of times, you would have 2 storms, one to take out shields and the other to kill the opponent.
yet, what you dont seem to understand is that nothing is being taken away from other schools. Balance has shifted. Yes, Leviathan can take 2 blades away, great. But how long is Storm going to last with low resistance and very low health?
You said that Life is like Storm Lord, except not as powerful. Yet, if my memory serves me correctly, Life gets a +40 Blade? You say the most you have seen ice with is 26 resist all? You sound like you have been around, but if that is the most you have seen, then maybe you haven't. Ice has been seen up to 61% resist all spells. Plus, storm shields, plus tower shields, and anything else you would like to throw at them. You say tower shields are easy to take out, yes they are, but Ice can have 7 in their deck, plus storm shields, plus enchanted shields. And Ice, can hit as fast as storm with Stun. And, if bladed properly, as hard as storm does. Plus, Ice has 3500 health at level 50. compared to 2000 for storm.
Just saying
So, take a good spell from Storm, but nothing from any other school. What about judgment? A critical on a judgment spell is instant death, because the only shield is tower shield. So, Critical is the new Bolt, for all schools, and Storms Bolt is a pip waster?
My Suggestion, and I will say it again. Make it 50/50 200 damage or 1000 damage, heck, I would even settle for 100 or 1000 if it is a 50/50 shot. Or, if they insist on leaving it this way, making it a 0 pip spell. But the way bolt is now, most of the time, you are just throwing pips away
The old version worked 10% of the time and did 1000 damage. That was an expected 1000 * 0.1, or 100 damage-per-cast
The new spell works 70% of the time and does either 10, 100, or 1000 damage, presumably an equal amount of the time each. That's 1110/3, or 370, for an expected 370 * 0.7, or 259 damage-per-cast.
Meaning that Storm can expect the spell to do two and a half times as much damage, over a large number of casts, as it does now, with less fluctuation.
So where's the problem?
Since the vast majority of the complaining about spells and supposed school imbalances comes from PvP fans, I'd imagine that the problem is that under the new system, PvPs can't go into the Arena with ramped-up Wild Bolt treasure cards to destroy their competition. No more having a friend or relative trade accuracy-enhanced Wild Bolt treasure cards to a level 10 wizard and going in and owning the competition.
The solution: put Wild Bolt back to its original 1000 damage 10% of the time status----but don't allow any accuracy enhancements. No modifying it with accuracy Treasure Cards. In battle, accuracy charms don't trigger when it's cast. Equipment accuracy enhancements don't work with it. It hits 10% of the time flat-out. See how often it gets used in PvP.
Or better yet, get rid of it entirely. I've managed to get through Storm without ever casting Wild Bolt. I would imagine that several Storm grandmasters who don't PvP play (and have played) without Wild Bolt in their decks.
Um could one of the administrators please give us an update as to what will be done about wild bolt? Frankly speaking, this discussion has gotten out of hand and it needs to stop. Just please let everyone know if the changes to wild bolt is permanent or if you are considering alternative solutions.
Additionally i don't see why people behaving as if wild bolt was all storm had to survive! I mean it's ok to be a little upset that they changed one of your spells but stop acting like it was your favorite and you totally relied on it. It has 10% accuracy! No one relied on wild bolt.
Ok, so the diviners wised up and started spamming it in PVP, using all manner of gears and enchantments to increase their accuracy. of course people will get annoyed when they keep getting hit by wild bolt and loosing to it in every PVP, so stop it. Everyone complained about Earthquake and myth wizards and their stun etc and now you can't chain stun, which is cool. because trust me those Crustacean clawcutters in Celestia will try and chain stun you, but ah ha! It won't work!
if you are going to make an argument out of the thing at least be honest about it. Ok you don't like the changes, that's fine but please stop acting like it was all you had, if you go with only wild bolt am pretty sure you'd be defeated often. The bottom line is storm wizards DO NOT rely on wild bolt, they are mostly complaining because they want to level up quickly in PVP. Oh yes I've had it with storms in the arena; they either try to chain stun you with storm lord or they are spamming wild bolt lol.
Professor Greyrose, somebody, anybody from faculty, please put an end to this. It has gone far enough. Someone needs to make an executive decision. i know i will learn wild bolt soon on my storm wiz and guess what? Storm bat is a pretty heavy 2 pip hitter, use a gargantuan on it with your boosts etc and see if it doesn't hit as close as wild bolt!
Am pretty sure that storm can do serious damage with storm bat especially if there are two of them and they buff each other and also if they have a balance friend to throw in x blade and balance blade. Try it with gargantuan and i guarantee you that you have a 2 pip spell that hit for more than 1000!
Ok, this is not an arguement, but, you stated your point, now let me state mine. Yes, I understand that all the increased accuracy of storm is why Bolt had to be dealt with. Yet, as I stated, it made no sense to allow all the accuracy increases when 70% was the lowest spell except for Bolt.
Now, they want to get around Smoke Screen and Black Mantle? Then why even have those spells in the game? It drops your percentage, but you can still get the spells to work. That is what sniper, accuracy, and other treasure cards are for. If I got a black mantle or a smoke screen, I simply ddid not attempt to cast Bolt. Not that I ever used it often, mainly when I went into a Boss, I would spend a wild Bolt Shot at the minion to see if I could make it a 1v1. If not, I would blade up, then Storm Lord.
Anyway, that is getting off the issue. This is not the test realm, we human players only start out with 4 pips, not 6 like in test realm. We dont get to cast powerful attacks second round. Our enemies can, but not us. Yes, I do realize the power of Storm, even without the use of Bolt, never said we were not powerful. Yet, We do have the worst health imaginable. 1980 at level 50.
We do not have multi round attacks, or damage over time, we have 1 shot. So, with a storm shield, subtract 80% damage right there. or 70%, either way. Some really go all out and use storm shield and tower shield, or 2 different storm shields. So yes, I agree, a lot of times, you would have 2 storms, one to take out shields and the other to kill the opponent.
yet, what you dont seem to understand is that nothing is being taken away from other schools. Balance has shifted. Yes, Leviathan can take 2 blades away, great. But how long is Storm going to last with low resistance and very low health?
You said that Life is like Storm Lord, except not as powerful. Yet, if my memory serves me correctly, Life gets a +40 Blade? You say the most you have seen ice with is 26 resist all? You sound like you have been around, but if that is the most you have seen, then maybe you haven't. Ice has been seen up to 61% resist all spells. Plus, storm shields, plus tower shields, and anything else you would like to throw at them. You say tower shields are easy to take out, yes they are, but Ice can have 7 in their deck, plus storm shields, plus enchanted shields. And Ice, can hit as fast as storm with Stun. And, if bladed properly, as hard as storm does. Plus, Ice has 3500 health at level 50. compared to 2000 for storm.
Just saying
So, take a good spell from Storm, but nothing from any other school. What about judgment? A critical on a judgment spell is instant death, because the only shield is tower shield. So, Critical is the new Bolt, for all schools, and Storms Bolt is a pip waster?
My Suggestion, and I will say it again. Make it 50/50 200 damage or 1000 damage, heck, I would even settle for 100 or 1000 if it is a 50/50 shot. Or, if they insist on leaving it this way, making it a 0 pip spell. But the way bolt is now, most of the time, you are just throwing pips away
I hear what you are saying. Before I continue, I agree that the "fix" for bolt isn't a fix and I think that both versions are broken in different ways. I was going to make a number of points on the balance of the game, but I feel it strays too far off topic, so I will probably start another thread soon and in the meantime say that I wasn't aware, nor had I seen in test or live realm, that there was any combination of gear that could get you over 60% resist to all. Further, I would find that to be broken as well. Personally, if it were to ever exceed 45% resist to all, I think that becomes broken, and that's stretching it a bit.
Keeping on the bolt topic, two wrongs don't make a right. Making a spell that can do up to 1000 damage a zero pip spell with 70% accuracy is, in my opinion, more broken than either of the other two versions of bolt. While I don't agree with what KI did to wild bolt, if you'd like to see a useless 2 pip spell, I could break out taunt for you.
The old version worked 10% of the time and did 1000 damage. That was an expected 1000 * 0.1, or 100 damage-per-cast
The new spell works 70% of the time and does either 10, 100, or 1000 damage, presumably an equal amount of the time each. That's 1110/3, or 370, for an expected 370 * 0.7, or 259 damage-per-cast.
Meaning that Storm can expect the spell to do two and a half times as much damage, over a large number of casts, as it does now, with less fluctuation.
So where's the problem?
The problem is that it was used as a pip building spell that sometimes took out a minion as you were building for a boss. Its useless for that now, particularly in Celestia, because you have a 2 in 3 chance of wasting two pips doing 10 or 100 damage which would also waste blades and traps.
colagada wrote:
Since the vast majority of the complaining about spells and supposed school imbalances comes from PvP fans, I'd imagine that the problem is that under the new system, PvPs can't go into the Arena with ramped-up Wild Bolt treasure cards to destroy their competition. No more having a friend or relative trade accuracy-enhanced Wild Bolt treasure cards to a level 10 wizard and going in and owning the competition.
I'm pretty sure they put a stop to enchanted treasure card trading a while ago.
colagada wrote:
The solution: put Wild Bolt back to its original 1000 damage 10% of the time status----but don't allow any accuracy enhancements. No modifying it with accuracy Treasure Cards. In battle, accuracy charms don't trigger when it's cast. Equipment accuracy enhancements don't work with it. It hits 10% of the time flat-out. See how often it gets used in PvP.
Or better yet, get rid of it entirely. I've managed to get through Storm without ever casting Wild Bolt. I would imagine that several Storm grandmasters who don't PvP play (and have played) without Wild Bolt in their decks.
The solution you propose is one many have proposed, but it may not be that easy from a programming standpoint, particularly if accuracy charms don't trigger with it. Have you ever seen a spell that doesn't trigger an accuracy charm? Me either. That indicates new coding and exceptions are required. Personally, I would either like to see them get a DoT spell to replace bolt, or implement some cumulative gear caps, not only for accuracy, but also for resist and (possibly damage? That one is still debatable in my mind) as it has recently been brought to my attention that it is possible to exceed 45% resist to all. It seems to me to be ridiculous to allow gear accuracy in excess of 30%. If it was capped, and wild bolt was made to be unenchantable, then I think it would be fair to go back to the original spell.
Um could one of the administrators please give us an update as to what will be done about wild bolt? Frankly speaking, this discussion has gotten out of hand and it needs to stop. Just please let everyone know if the changes to wild bolt is permanent or if you are considering alternative solutions.
I agree. It certainly isn't too much to ask for an update on this issue from your paying customers, is it?
The solution: put Wild Bolt back to its original 1000 damage 10% of the time status----but don't allow any accuracy enhancements.
In PVP only, yes, but if you are suggesting that in PVE we cant use Keen Eyes or Accuracy bonuses from gear or pets? Then you are dead wrong. Allow PVE to have what they always had (above), if they want to strip Accuracy bonuses in PVP because its too powerful in that atmosphere, then so be it. But dont punish the PVE community, it was perfectly fine before Celestia, NOBODY ever complained about it, there was no reason to.
Storm isn't Storm with out their Wild Bolt. Yes I hated it when it was casted on me, but in street fights they are almost a need (especially now with Celestia, don't get me wrong I still like a challenge). And now I have an Adept Storm in Marelybone and I was looking foward to Wild Bolt, but not really any more. I guess one good thing from this is using it as a shield breaker (volcanic shield, glacial shield, tower shield, and storm shield ).
Let's face it, all of those complaints about other school's spells is about PVP, and PVP only. It's ridiculous. PVP was meant to be an additional thing for wizards to be able to do. It was never meant to be the main focus of the game. There are some players, however, whose main focus is PVP. I've heard them complain about having to do quests. Fine. That's their right. Please, don't alter the game for everyone, however, because these players complain the most about every other school's spells...and that's what they do. By now, I've heard complaints that every school has an unfair advantage. Ice has too much health, and the resist all boosts are too high. Balance's judgment spell is unfair. It can do too much damage, and very few shields can protect against it. Myth's earthquake spell removes all blades and traps. I've seen someone suggest that feint be altered so that it only boosts death spells. I've actually heard people complain about Life wizards healing themselves. The problem is that people get so frustrated when they lose, all they want to do is blame the game for stacking the deck against them. The truth is, every school has it's strengths and weaknesses, and a smart player will learn how to make the best use of those strengths and cover up their weaknesses. Please stop blaming the game if someone beats you. It happens. Please KI, stop giving in to these players at the expense of the rest of us who want to focus on playing the actual game, or if you do want to respond to their complaints, limit those changes to PVP. That 's all a lot of the complainers really care about anyway. Why else would they complain that another school is too strong? In real gameplay, they're going to want strong allies. I didn't hear my two fellow wizards complain I was too powerful when my Legendary Diviner helped them waltz through Briskbreeze.
Steven Stormrider, Legendary Diviner Steven Spiritblade, Grandmaster Theurgist Steven Deathbringer, Grandmaster Necromancer Steven Firebrand, Grandmaster Pyromancer Steven Spellweaver, Grandmaster Sorcerer Steven Legendhunter, Grandmaster Conjurer
Well I think this is totally pointless i have 2 masters 'death and balance' and have just started storm and i got to the level where i got wild bolt and guess what i was let down to see that WILD Bolt had lost it's WILDNESS. now i pvp all the time with my balance and i have been put with them who use bolt all the time but that takes away the fun in fighting a Storm wizard i used to love them using bolt on me and me using judgment on them it was even, as my judgment had a 75% in hitting at 100 points a pip and they has a 20% in hitting at 1000 points for 2 pips. this is now broke the balance between the schools and have made the storm school very weak indeed.
i do hope you change wild bolt back to its normal way as you have took the fun out of pvping for storming wizards (which most of them do). yours trully Ashley Summercloud. :?