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Champion Crafting Quest disappeared!

Oct 29, 2011
I'm a level 130 Pyromancer who never really got around to crafted after Zafaria, until yesterday. I basically spent the whole completing crafting quests up until getting the promethean crafting badge. Then I got a tutorial tip telling me to go talk to Librarian Fitzhume. So I went to the Arcanum and he gave me a quest to talk to Ignus Ferris, it was called "Crafty notes" I think. I spoke to Ferric and after the dialogue ended I did not get the follow-up quest or the "Champion Crafter" badge. This is pretty frustrating as I've been spending hours on end to complete the crafting quests just to get the crafted wand, and now I'm stuck right at the end of it.

Some help would be greatly appreciated

- Anthony Mistblade, level 130

Oct 29, 2011
Contacted customer support, they responding very quickly and added the quest to my spellbook.
If anyone else has a similar issue with Ignus, then I’d suggest going to customer service asap as they are well aware of the problem and will resolve it quickly if you report it

Thanks for the help KI
- Anthony Mistblade, Level 130