The Spell: Catch of the Day, with the most recent update is apparently supposed to give you 2x 45% balance blades, There are a few things I've noticed about this spell and how its not working at all basically,
First off, the blades will not be applied at all if the enemy targeted is killed with the spell, The damage will still go through but the blades won't show up or be present.
Secondly, Even if the enemy isn't killed and the blades do show up, they can't be used at all, and no damage spell will cause them to break and have their bonus applied to the spell. However the blades can still be removed by something such as a Leviathan spell, so in some capacity they are present they just aren't working.
Re: Catch of the Day's Blades arent working at all
DazzGravityowl on Nov 30, 2022 wrote:
The Spell: Catch of the Day, with the most recent update is apparently supposed to give you 2x 45% balance blades, There are a few things I've noticed about this spell and how its not working at all basically,
First off, the blades will not be applied at all if the enemy targeted is killed with the spell, The damage will still go through but the blades won't show up or be present.
Secondly, Even if the enemy isn't killed and the blades do show up, they can't be used at all, and no damage spell will cause them to break and have their bonus applied to the spell. However the blades can still be removed by something such as a Leviathan spell, so in some capacity they are present they just aren't working.
Howdy! Thank you for reaching out on the forums with this! I'll be sure to send it to the team right away!