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can't sell treasure cards

Sep 05, 2009
why can't i sell certain treasure cards? when i go to the bazaar and try to sell them it just says enchanted on the button where you click to sell items and i can't sell :-(

Aug 28, 2009
leetompat wrote:
why can't i sell certain treasure cards? when i go to the bazaar and try to sell them it just says enchanted on the button where you click to sell items and i can't sell :-(

if it says "enchanted" then that means you got a enchantment card ( like tough, giant, etc) and made the card a treasure. example:

x a frost giant card shows up x

x discards a card and gets tough x

x puts tough on frost giant and it becomes treasure x

x goes to bazaar to sell it but it is enchanted x

so pretty much thats why the bazaar doesnt sell fire dragons, frost giants, power novas, storm lords, scarecrows, earthquakes, wild bolts, rebirth, etc