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Cannot extract Animus from Treants in Celestia

Jul 28, 2012
Not for sure if this is an oversight or what, but when to the floating land to get some Animus from Tangleroot and suffice to say I could not extract from them. Not for sure why because they ARE treants, although they act a bit like Coloradoan's on vacation in Jamaica. Just to reiterate, as per the definition in the dictionary:

Noun (plural treants)
  • (fantasy, gaming) A fictional organism having many characteristics of a tree, but with human-like mobility and facial features.
  • Let's see. Walks like human, check. Talks like human, check. Eyeballs, check. Mouth, check. Arms, check. Trunk like tree, check. Bark, check. Leave like palm tree, check.

    TREANT, check.

    So why no Animus?