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Cannot enchant spectral blast after spellment upgrade

May 21, 2019

Today when I used my spellments to upgrade the balance spell "Spectral Blast" to tier 2, specifically to the top path with the damage increase with no special after effects and I found out that I could not enchant it in battle, specifically with the damage boosting non pvp enchants (i.e. "Epic or Gargantuan").

I have tried using all the other non pvp damage boost enchants on it and even relogging but still could not enchant it. When ever I click an enchant, the spectral blast card gets greyed out and no matter how much I click on it it won't work.

Is this a bug or are you not supposed to be able to enchant it at all after spellments?

Sorry if there are no screenshots, I rarely use the forums much so I don't know how to.