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Buying Bundles

Nov 17, 2010

I have done a search and have been reading a few posts on buying bundles and how people are unable to buy them. I would like to see the bundles available to everyone. It would be better that they are more easily brought surely.

When I see a bundle I like, I click on the bundle to buy and it goes to a page on wiz of different places where the bundle is available. I go to the Australian tab, then it takes me to the Australian site - thinking YAY, I can finally get one but to find out, they don't have them. All that's available to us is the $15 voucher with the same pet and 5000 crowns. Kings are saying on the website they should be available to us but they aren't. Its frustrating, seeing all these great bundles and we are unable to buy them.

Please make them available through Kingsisle.

Many Thanks