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[Bugs] Beastmoon Miscellaneous Bugs 8.9.21

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
Maceryn requested that I also put this list in the Halston's Laboratory Section. These bugs are the ones that I mentioned in this post regarding Feedback for Beastmoon including the Stun Mechanic. (Check it out here!)


  • 1. Occasionally players can’t join a ring even though only one form joined. This might be a feature, but it would be nice to know exactly what is going on so that players understand? Someone mentioned something about Health Differences?
    2. Life Draconian’s Afterlife Blade: Harvest Spirit is counted as a negative charm. This means that an allies’ spell that affects negative charms such as Storm Elf’s Galvanize can remove it etc. Quite sad when this happens because both parties are generally confused.
    3. Fire Colossus’ Healing spell: Thermodynamics does not show the Heal Over Time (HOT) the DOT appears as normal, but the HOT is invisible.
    4. Myth Pigs Minion Target AOE: Pip, Pip, Hooray costs 3 pips is conditional upon a minion and only removes traps from team. There is no Pip mechanism at all so a different name might be in order. It may also need a pip cost reduction or some sort of pip mechanic whether that is to give a pip or a double pip thing to the minion at the very least.
    5. Myth Draconian’s Pip AOE: Pip Rally has a small animation bug where the pip animation only shows on the first player each time instead of the animation appearing on each player. Not game breaking, but just a minor visual bug.

  • Administrator
    exp613 on Aug 10, 2021 wrote:
    Maceryn requested that I also put this list in the Halston's Laboratory Section. These bugs are the ones that I mentioned in this post regarding Feedback for Beastmoon including the Stun Mechanic. (Check it out here!)


  • 1. Occasionally players can’t join a ring even though only one form joined. This might be a feature, but it would be nice to know exactly what is going on so that players understand? Someone mentioned something about Health Differences?
    2. Life Draconian’s Afterlife Blade: Harvest Spirit is counted as a negative charm. This means that an allies’ spell that affects negative charms such as Storm Elf’s Galvanize can remove it etc. Quite sad when this happens because both parties are generally confused.
    3. Fire Colossus’ Healing spell: Thermodynamics does not show the Heal Over Time (HOT) the DOT appears as normal, but the HOT is invisible.
    4. Myth Pigs Minion Target AOE: Pip, Pip, Hooray costs 3 pips is conditional upon a minion and only removes traps from team. There is no Pip mechanism at all so a different name might be in order. It may also need a pip cost reduction or some sort of pip mechanic whether that is to give a pip or a double pip thing to the minion at the very least.
    5. Myth Draconian’s Pip AOE: Pip Rally has a small animation bug where the pip animation only shows on the first player each time instead of the animation appearing on each player. Not game breaking, but just a minor visual bug.
  • Thank you! I'll add a general Beastmoon bugs bullet point on the list and have it link here.