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Buffs From Dungeons Being Seen OUTSIDE Of Dungeon!

Jan 02, 2011
So lately I've been seeing players with NPC buffs from various dungeons.

One example is Dalai Lamba. When you enter the dungeon that involves him, you will receive a +20% percent chance of gaining a power pip. That's a great advantage! However I've seen people with that buff allover the spiral with that buff... NOT JUST THE DUNGEON.

I have also seen these characters STACKED for players. Ex) Someone would have a Dalai Lamba and a Dalia Falmea together in their stats.

Is this a visual glitch on my part? Is it something players were meant to do? I don't understand.
Thanks for taking your time to read this! If you could help in any way please do!
Jack Legend
Level 66 Ice Wizard

Jul 25, 2010
Jack The Legend on Dec 22, 2017 wrote:
So lately I've been seeing players with NPC buffs from various dungeons.

One example is Dalai Lamba. When you enter the dungeon that involves him, you will receive a +20% percent chance of gaining a power pip. That's a great advantage! However I've seen people with that buff allover the spiral with that buff... NOT JUST THE DUNGEON.

I have also seen these characters STACKED for players. Ex) Someone would have a Dalai Lamba and a Dalia Falmea together in their stats.

Is this a visual glitch on my part? Is it something players were meant to do? I don't understand.
Thanks for taking your time to read this! If you could help in any way please do!
Jack Legend
Level 66 Ice Wizard
I'm pretty sure this is purely visual.

I teleported to my friend while I had a +20% incoming healing boost from an NPC previously. After he mentioned that he said that I had a boost from my NPC, I checked my stats and saw it was at the normal amount from before. (As in without the NPC.)

If this IS somehow not the case, and is exploitable in certain areas, please email the support staff.