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Broken pet combat powers

Mar 12, 2011
Are the pet global spell willcast bugs known about by staff? I noticed you fixed willcasts vanishing but the willcasts such as Balefrost Trained are still asking you to target or some other error and refuses to work. This is a rather big loss of talent tokens for multiple pet combat powers that share this same effect of wanting to set up a global but failing due to being unable to target. Some common ones that would be broken by this are ones such as Balefrost Trained, Darkwind Trained, Wyldfire trained all of these would be a massive pet investment to achieve nothing in the end. Especially for ice wizards this can be a rather significant loss if they gave up a damage talent slot for balefrost trained instead. I humbly request that in a future patch notes or the like that staff at least acknowledges they know of the problem.