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Broken Drop Rates and Lots of Work

Aug 13, 2018
After a very long time on this game, I feel that it is necessary to legitimately complain about a few things that are in fact broken, too much work, and frankly not worth the effort. First off I'd like to point out that nothing in any game should just simply be handed to a player, they must do SOMETHING to earn what they are going after. Second, I'd like to also point out that any game there is an impending GRIND to most anything you obtain that is useful. Now that's out of the way let me start off by pointing out the first area of absurdness, namely Olympus for level 30's. I get how important Zeus gear is, but the addition to a puzzle and a hallway to fight then to collect statues is absurd to a large degree given the fact the drop rate on Zeus gear is absurdly low. If the drop rate is to remain so low, then I would have to suggest removing the Eris Golden Apple Puzzle and Hall of Hero. I suggest this mainly due to the fact that after Zeus is defeated, if you get no gear from it to use, then you feel as if you have majorly wasted your time and are in a way compelled to not attempt it again ever. While you can argue that if you don't like something don't do it or gather a team to make it faster; that is an incorrect view and statement to make as this does not encourage healthy morale. No one wants to feel as if their work and efforts mean nothing at all. So please, either do away with the puzzle and fetching of statues, or up the drop rate of the Zeus Gear. Your talking about level 30's trying to get a taste of good gear that will actually make them want to spend in the crown shop. This is more than just about thinking that someone wants things easier, because its not true. It also impacts longevity of this game and its players that keep Kings Isle funded to keep going.

Another area I want to touch on is Waterworks. On its own Waterworks is very fun and a pleasure to quest in and grind for gear. BUT, I do think this dungeon could use a revamp as well. While I truly don't feel as if its too much of a grind, I do feel that Sylster does drop WAY TOO MANY items for the player to have a chance at their school gear. Luska is absolutely perfectly done however, because after just a couple trash mobs you reach him and he is easily dealt with as long as you follow the mechanics, and he doesn't have many items he drops either. However the same is not true for Sylster, as his Trap and Blade mechanic are not exactly what this game teaches players. For a full 60 levels, wizards have been blade stacking and traping their opponents at will. Sylster introduces a "Cut" mechanic to this. While its true indeed that if you follow mechanics it is very doable. But I must point out the amount of Items he drops is far too many and ruins the thrill of seeing your school gear drop. Im trying to be fair here because if you put it in prospective there really isn't a mechanic in this game that is difficult until you reach the much higher level worlds and bosses, until then they are just simply "Brain" busting to make you think and strategize. I would suggest taking out about Half of the items Sylster drops in order to better promote a more "Kind" drop rate, while this will still keep it competitive for everyone.

The last area I'd like to cover over all is the gear issues in this game. Over time I've personally seen where your wizard (no matter what school it is) is in dire need of a gear upgrade for a just a couple or maybe 3 pieces. Well you can't upgrade because the gear isn't there to either buy or farm for. This is especially true for Ice and Life Wizards early on. Not everyone wants to craft as this is as a fact expensive and requires you to be in higher level worlds than you are in order to move forward in your crafting profession. As a crafter you soon find out how absurd the recipes are for what you wish to craft, and figure out what you need is in a higher world. This is both disheartening and disgusting for the average player. The answer isn't simply asking for people for a port to that world either. I feel as though the recipes need to be more kind in nature and not so absurd with costing so much and ridiculous materials required. Take the spell Deer Knight for example: You need Deer Knight Treasure Cards in order to Craft that spell. That's right, you have to craft that spell for it to be permanent in your spell book, and you CAN NOT buy the Treasure card either, it is a drop by both Key Bosses and Instance Bosses. Jeweling it is simply temporary as it goes away once you shatter that jewel. I feel as though EVERY spell in the game should be achievable by way of school quest or going to your Teacher (Lydia Greyrose for example if your ice school) to learn the spell. Nothing should be so far out of reach for anyone. But yet people say how easy this game is. Its really not that easy as you DEPEND on pets in this game. You will never complete the game without a pet. But I do feel there are many things such as what I have mentioned and much more that really needs changing. I feel this way because the amount of work you put into these things simply does not reflect the rewards afterwards and leaves you with an empty feeling. I only speak from experience after much trial and error testing. There are no numbers to calculate here, so please don't expect them to exist. Just please fix things before you set your sights on something like Spellements, which are useless to start with.