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Briskbreeze Tower Rings

Dec 13, 2008
In the recent updates, many items previously not tradeable have been made so. However, with the introduction of the Briskbreeze Tower and its new set of powerful rings, I've been a little discouraged. Malistaire's robes were plenty hard to get on the right character, that is until they were made tradeable. The Briskbreeze tower is contributing the same kind of malcontent among individuals because the hard-earned grandmaster ring drops are NOT tradeable. The tower is hard and relatively long, and I have managed to get nearly every school ring BUT the one for the character I use to complete the tower. If the Malistaire robes, grandmaster items, and wands have all been made tradeable, why should the Briskbreeze rings be any different? They are much more difficult to get than the Malistaire items and require quite a lot of resources to obtain. I'm asking that Wizard101 makes the Brizkbreeze grandmaster rings tradeable so that the newly unmatched effort require to complete the tower is rewarded.

Jul 24, 2009
i agree i just wrote a post on that.i am going to give up if it no trade.

Jun 04, 2009
I also agree with that,but what i dont understand is why doesnt the briskbreeze tower have a treasure chest that you may be allowed to purchace random items from with crowns?Just like every other hard boss has why not briskbreeze?

Mar 01, 2009
Why? Because it is a grandmaster tower, only grandmasters can enter and try to win the prize. This is the point, each grandmaster has to earn it. Great items need to be hard to get!