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Bolt Blade audio effects

Nov 21, 2015
I've noticed a few times that there's a bug with the Bolt Blade where when you initiate a wand attack, it doesn't make any noise at all, it's completely quiet. I don't know if this is anything new or if it has been going on for a while, or even if anyone has noticed it too and bothered to make a post about it. But I'm just going to leave this here in hopes of it fixing anytime soon.

Jan 18, 2010
It's been going on for a while,

Many wands are like that with either the sound of the wand attack (particularly the swords) are missing, or you hear it, but you don't hear the enemy reacting.

I guess it's a minor issue that doesn't really affect gameplay to all that which is why I'm guessing no major alarm was raised about it.