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big red x over spell card

Apr 15, 2010
I have a charm I recently added to a spell that sits at the bottom of the spell deck that has a giant red x over it, WHAT DOES IT MEAN?
When I click on it, the red x is not there but when it is in spell deck there it is?Does anyone know what this means, and do I still get to use it?

Jun 19, 2010
Isn't that Giant Red X fun to see during battle!

Press 'Q' to quickly pull up your Quest Screen, then simply exit out of that screen; and now the annoying giant Red X is gone (Hopefully anyway).

Jun 19, 2010
violetrose236 on May 18, 2018 wrote:
I have a charm I recently added to a spell that sits at the bottom of the spell deck that has a giant red x over it, WHAT DOES IT MEAN?
When I click on it, the red x is not there but when it is in spell deck there it is?Does anyone know what this means, and do I still get to use it?
Oops, I read your question wrong.
What does the Red 'X' appearing at the bottom of your Spell Deck Screen mean?
You have left clicked on the spell to make sure it doesn't show up in your battles.

Spells from your equipment items and pets automatically appear in your spell deck.

However, sometimes you don't want these spells to appear or show up when you battle.

So, by left clicking on the spell appearing at the bottom of your spell deck, disables it from showing up during battle.

You'll know this is in effect when you see a giant red 'X' over it in the spell deck viewing screen.

I hope this answers your question correctly now.

FYI - The other giant red 'X' I originally referred to was during battle a giant 'X' would appear. This giant 'X' blocked most of the entire screen preventing you from seeing or select spells, passing, or fleeing. The work around solution for that glitch is pressing the letter 'q' or 'Q' to force another screen to be viewed. And then you exit from the viewing screen to return to battle, and that giant 'X' would be gone.

Aug 03, 2014
Do you mean when you look at the spells in your deck and the cards at the bottom (from gear/pet etc) some have a big X over them?

If so, that was a cool feature KI added a while back so we can choose not to have gear/pet spells cluttering our deck if we don't want them. If there is a big red X over it then it will not appear in your hand when you are battling. If you want that spell to be available in battle just click on it to make the X vanish and it will be in your deck when you're in battle.

I hope this helps!

Apr 15, 2010
well after logging in and out about five times, I finally was able to click on that spell card and the big red "x" went away.....YAY......thanks a bunch...