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Beyond Belief New Decks and Fizzle Rates

Jun 29, 2009
First, I quest and fight four wizards at a time. I have run through the different worlds and am familiar with the game and some of its difficulties.

New Monster Decks

It really stretches the imagination the amount of weak I am encountering on the various streets and in towers in all the worlds. EVERY single school is now carrying weak, a balance spell? Also, the amount of shielding I am seeing is not what I remember with my first two sets of grands. I was in a battle and the character in the first position had five weak on it. We were fight myth and death monsters not balance.

New Fizzle Rates
My Fire fizzles much less than my Ice does (go figure). Oh, you might say, that is due to gear bonuses. Well the total accuracy for each of these is the same due to crown gear supplementing or treasure/gold card usage. Balance is sort of in between Fire and Ice on who can fizzle the most. Life is there to heal and appears to have a relatively correct fizzle rate of around 10%. So the mystery is, why is my crown not working. And why have the fizzle rates changed.

There was a trend which I notice in the earlier routines (before the October update). If the monsters hit, then you were likely to hit. In other words fizzle rates were based and adjusted for the round rather than for the individual casts (which would be a more computer efficient way to do it, but not exactly why a particular school was chosen).

Also, I do find that the purple cards that are not 100% have a much higher fizzle rate than their reported accuracy. I had a frienly pig pet with a heal card (90% accuracy) that has never cast. After 20 casts with not a single bit of health, I banked the silly thing.