I have submitted a trouble ticket for this bu was wondering if it happens to anyone else. It only seems to happen on the laptop. sometimes when going from one part of a world and another you dont end up going anyplace and all the npcs vanish and you are alone on the street. thsi usually ends after about a minutes with a notice about this area being closed and then it will work fine the next time you try. this time I died and am stuck in an empty mooshoo. I cant end the game session and if i x out of the window and log back in i am still there, alone. Has anyone else had this problem?
I have submitted a trouble ticket for this bu was wondering if it happens to anyone else. It only seems to happen on the laptop. sometimes when going from one part of a world and another you dont end up going anyplace and all the npcs vanish and you are alone on the street. thsi usually ends after about a minutes with a notice about this area being closed and then it will work fine the next time you try. this time I died and am stuck in an empty mooshoo. I cant end the game session and if i x out of the window and log back in i am still there, alone. Has anyone else had this problem?
This has happened to me. It was fixed after maybe 5 log inns.
I died in a battle and the battle dissappeard and the overhead view was still in action. I had to log out and log back in. When the screen verifiing charicter appeard it lasted for 1-3 minuts before placing an exit down below. I submitted it as a bug so your not alon
I get this on my laptop when traveling, just assumed it was due to hotel wireless. Generally a restart will 'fix'' it. Oddly enough, other connectivity is not impacted and I have not see it on other games (i.e. WOW)
This happens to me quite a bit. I have a lame internet connection (i live in a condo building with wireless internet flying all around all over the place). When it happens to me, sometime I have to restart Wizard101 completely. It just depends on how the game is feeling at the moment. But you are not alone! :-)