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Advance Move

Aug 03, 2019
Hello, I have 2 Characters with 1 house each one, in one house I can use the new update for advance moving items in the house, it is very usefull!
The problem is that in my second character i cannot do it, I don't have the button to press.
Some one have any idea why it appens?
Thank you!

Jan 11, 2015
I noticed this as well on one of my low level wizards. After leveling them up to level 15, the advanced move icon appeared. I think this is because level 15 is the original level you needed to buy houses and you get a housing quest at that level. However, now you can get houses by level 2, so the level 15 restriction doesn't really make sense.

Mar 30, 2014
I agree that advanced move should be available to all house owners. The level restriction is just causing confusion and disappointment. Advanced move is so much better than the old interface, it's not really worth decorating houses without it. A lot of long time players have low level wizards, either for pvp or because they simply don't want to play the game through on every wizard, but still enjoy activities such as decorating houses on their low level wizards. Please allow all house owners to use advanced move. Thanks for listening to our concerns.