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Account Queries

Oct 29, 2017

Can you indicate to some of the members of this game how long some of the queries take sent to support?

For example: I have two. One was about a character of mine that was deleted that I needed to recover, this was on the 19th of December, the second is (22nd of December) that my account was flagged as "suspicious" and "possibly fraudulent" .

I made 3 purchases today and the next i'm hit with "oops, we can't assist you right now" email Kingsile... I've done so but no answer, no reply, or reference number... does these notifications get to you since I use a Gmail? I send my emails to you from a Gmail.

Please assist as quickly as possible as I can't make purchases at the moment and is frustrating...

Ryan Dawnbringer

Jun 06, 2008
Sorry to hear you've had troubles contacting Customer Support. Standard Response time is 24-48 hours.

If you didn't receive an email back from us with a ticket number, it means your email or message never made it to us (or it's located in your spam inbox). Please try again with a different email address and ensure the email associated with your account is up to date. Alternatively, you could forward your email to community@wizard101.com and we'll forward your email manually to Customer Support for you.