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a staying connected problem

Jul 12, 2016
this is the fourth time this week that I've been logged out of wizard 101 by force for no reason, sometimes while I'm playing, a circle that flashes red and yellow with a chain in it appears on my screen, then a window pops up and says "unable to connect to server". my parents even proved it to me that I'm completely connected to the internet. just the other day I was helping someone, and low and behold, it happened. when I finally got back online, the person aggressively accused me of ditching them, I tried to explain to them I got disconnected, and they didn't believe me; they even took me off their friend list , it was all a really heartbreaking moment. if there's something that can be done to fix this, or at least to make it so I find out why it happens, it would be my deepest appreciation

Thank You

Jul 19, 2012
The best answer:

1. Check your internet connection (the game requires broadband access)
2. Make sure the game's not down for maintenance
3. Add Wizard101 to your anti-virus "allow" list, or reduce your security settings.
4. If it still doesn't work, use the "contact us" support tab at Wizard101.com for further assistance.

Is probably the best thing you need to do if you still have this problem.