Jewel Triangle Blossom is showing the dislike for evil magma peas twice. Jewel Square Blossom shows how it's supposed to be - just once. This is affecting its progress time to harvest.
Support said they "reported the issue to our testing teams for additional research" but also encourages me to post here.
Here's how to replicate: -plant Evil Magma Peas next to Jewel Triangle Seed and scroll over to read the dislikes.
I sent a ticket to Support on January 12th and included screenshots. I was told, "We have reported the issue to our testing teams for additional research." I have not heard a peep about this since and it is affecting the grow time for this plant. What solution have the 'testing teams' come up with that will get this bug fixed? Can someone please give an update.
It is over a month since my last post on this bug and it is still happening. Triangle Jewel Seed is counting the dislike for EMP twice!! I have since planted a Sugar Khrystal and here's how the dislikes are showing:
Dislikes: Evil Magma Peas Dislikes: Sugar Khrystal Dislikes: Evil Magma Peas
The time until the next Harvest is 35 hrs 13 mins
Please note, I have a Jewel Square Seed in the same garden and that grew to elder appropriately (not bugged).
The bug is with Jewel Triangle Seed being next to EMP. Will KI fix this ever?