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Insufficient item space in guilds

Mar 30, 2014
So once we unlock our guild areas completely, my understanding is that we will have 400 item space. But as I understand, and I hope I'm wrong, the 400 indoor items will be split between 3 guild houses. So that's 133 items per house. That's less than that smallest player house in the game, the wizard city cottage, which gives 150 items inside. This is not reasonable. 400 per house unlocked/total of 1200 would be more reasonable. KI, do you want guilds to be excited about unlocking new houses to decorate or do you want them to not care because they won't have enough item space to decorate the new houses anyhow so why bother?

There is also a lot of outdoor space with all these large islands and again, 400 items is not enough.