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What is Wintertusk?

Jan 04, 2014
Please keep in mind im level 75
I skipped through lot of Grizzleheim.
Recently, i've noticed a lot of talk of Wintertusk.
What is that? I have never heard of it before now, and am completely lost.
Also, this is slightly off-topic, but has to do with Grizzleheim.
So for my like Life Pet quest, it says to go on this ship and travel to this place in Grizzleheim. Now of course I dont have this place unlocked. But recently, i got this pet called Satyr and it gives me the Satyr heal, and is School Only. Is this the class pet or no? I feel like its not.

-Wolf AngleBlood 75

Feb 12, 2015
Wintertusk is an extension of the Grizzleheim storyline. You begin after you have finished the original storyline. I'll warn you, it can be difficult.