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vognir runethief

Feb 25, 2011
I am having trouble defeating vognir runethief in mirkhplm keep and friends can'g teleport to help. Is there a way to defeat him and his solider

Apr 20, 2011
I can verify the teleporting problem. Yesterday, I asked a friend to help twice. Both times she said OK, but she didn't show up. I thought she was flaky, which wasn't like her. Now I understand the problem. She didn't have text chat, so she couldn't have told me the problem. I almost un-friended her. I'm glad I didn't. She showed up later for me in Big Ben.

Apr 26, 2011
I know what you mean i'm neary level 42 and i still can't beat them. They always seem to use the best treasure cards while i'm strugeling to get enough pips to use one.

I can ysual beat the soldier but not both of them 8)

Dec 02, 2010
Really? I found it easy and beat him and the minion on my first try at level 36. Just pack your deck with reshufles (DOse not have to be the treasure card) healing spells like helping hands and fairy and sheilds.

Nov 08, 2008
I am lvl 39 Myth, and I can't seem to beat Vognir Runethief at all! I have tried everything. I don't have healing cards except the green fairy, since I am Myth and not life, and apparently he is myth also. I have battled him 10 times and each time I get defeated. Is there a certain way to pack my deck with cards that I am able to get or buy to beat him?? Please help!! Thanks. I am also secondary in lightning, but he always puts lightning shields on. ugh lol

Jan 05, 2011
tessarae11 wrote:
I am lvl 39 Myth, and I can't seem to beat Vognir Runethief at all! I have tried everything. I don't have healing cards except the green fairy, since I am Myth and not life, and apparently he is myth also. I have battled him 10 times and each time I get defeated. Is there a certain way to pack my deck with cards that I am able to get or buy to beat him?? Please help!! Thanks. I am also secondary in lightning, but he always puts lightning shields on. ugh lol
use a storm wand and put plenty of myth prisms in your deck. always kill the minion first. if you can at least kill the minion before you are defeated, then, if you use a potion and return right away, you can battle vognir by himself. use the myth prism asap, wand his storm shield away if he casts it first, and attack with cyclopses boosted with myth blades and spirit blades (and myth prisms, of course). i don't recommend using time of legend with him, because that boosts his attacks, too. anyway, good luck! -elijah darkthorn, legendary conjurer

Apr 16, 2011
I am level 36 and I still cant defeat vognir runethief! :( I've tried at least 20 times and I havent succeded once! I've come really close, but he always gets the better of me! I really want to know what spell I get. Can anyone tell me what it is???????

Jul 17, 2011
I'm a level 36 and Im with the school of balance and I just beat Vognit Runethief. The boss is myth and the other guy is ice so make sure you have sheilds for both! You`ll need ice shields to make it past the first guy attack him first. I used my Mander Minion ( he gives you plenty of fire, ice and storm shields but still get a few more) and when he was killed I got anouther one. This is what saved me, so if you`re not balance get a few. As far as spells go, stock up on life spells and attack with whatever you`ve got. I hope this helps!! One other thing the boss seems to shield himself against storm spells so try for a couple big spells that aren`t storm they wont help you much.
Alia Rainrider Level 36

Jan 10, 2010
my balance used a minion and helping hands it was little hard i got elemental and spirit defuses minions are also the key

level 37 balance Kyle Lionbreeze

May 30, 2010
ok you people wanna know how to defeat him.
FINE heres what you do get sheilds a helping hand a super link at triton a stormblade and trap oh and a charm that boosts fight attacks.these must be TREASURECARDS IN ORDER TO WORK :).use every fire spell that lingers on the ice dude and you can figure outthe rest. :D

Jan 31, 2009
Quite obviously,if you are myth or ice your going to have a hard time with this boss. Try to use fire spells on the minion and storm spells on the boss,and as many tower,myth,and ice shields as you can carry while still having enough heals,attacks,and buffs.

May 17, 2011
I defeated him I think at level forty-something or at level 45's. He was a bit hard but I defeated him with a sprite whith me.

Mary SparkleBlossom level 57 Grand Master Thurgest

Sep 30, 2011
I defeated him as a level 35 ice my first try. I used a minion and a level 40 life henchman though. They both definitely helped.