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Rimeaxe too hard!

Jul 11, 2012
I got to level 58 and I got the quest for the snow angel spell. I got to the part when I defeat Volkir Rimeaxe and he is so hard! I mean 7900 health and myth! I even tried buying a level 70 storm henchmen but I still lost. I'm probably going to buy a level 100 life henchman next time. But he is so hard!
Richard level 58

Mar 13, 2014
Level 58 spell quest fights always put you up against a same school boss. They are meant to be hard. You should use this battle as a learning experience. If you have to fight this guy more than 2 or 3 times you probably aren't building your deck properly. You DON'T need henchmen. Using henchmen to defeat this boss will simply get you by the fight without learning anything and cost you crowns. If you dig in, learn how to properly build a deck and fight, the skills you pick up will serve you well as you progress. If you never learn those skills, you'll have a hard time in Zafaria, and will probably never be able to complete Avalon at all.

May 11, 2012
You can do it! He is hard at that level, and I think that was the first solo boss that really threw
me in the game. I know the best advice I got for defeating him was to pack a bunch of myth shields. If I remember correctly (and I may not, it has been so long) you may want to use traps on him and time out when to put up a blade. Watch his pip count. Don't put up a blade when he has enough pips to earthquake, or it will be wasted, but if you can set up with traps and then sneak in a blade two and hit before he earthquakes, it might help.

I lost track of how many times I attempted to defeat him, but I eventually did it on my own without minions and henchman. Patience and persistence. YOU CAN DO IT!

Now, the cheating bosses in the higher worlds.......well, if you think this boss is too hard, prepare yourself. This boss is a walk in the park compared to what you are eventually going to meet.

Good luck!
Autumn FairyDreamer Level 79