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Nidavellier Quest Bug

May 09, 2010
Hiya! So after talking to the king in Grizzleheim and recieving the quest to defeat Jotun in Nidavellier, another wizard and I did defeat him, but the quest is still showing up in my quest log as uncompleted. Another side note about this whole Nidavellier thing is while we were battling the animation for the spell casting wasn't happening and neither of the two of us battling could see traps on the enemy, and after defeating all the enemies, including Jotun, Jotun's chest was not appearing on my screen, but it was on my friend's. Those two things are minor, I'd just like to get the credit for defeating Jotun as asked so I can move on! Any explination as to why any of these things happened or how to get credit for defeating Jotun and completing the quest without redoing the dungeon would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! - Jordan FireShade

May 01, 2010
If you are pay by area, I did find a bug earlier when playing in MB with my brother. The game takes too long to process your purchase, and essentially it counts you as jumping into the dungeon in the middle and doesn't register that you completed it.
(It was counterweight though, so it was alright.)
If you aren't, maybe it was something to do with your connection or computer? Sometimes when my connection lags I randomly port back to where I was three minutes ago with no evidence I did anything that I did in between.
If both of these aren't the case, you might want to contact KI directly, as it yields better results than posting on message boards.
Or, just grab a high level friend and do Jotun again!