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Grizzleheim - Break in quests?

Jun 30, 2009
I'm level 37, I just completed stopping the war between the bears and wolves. I went back to the guy outside the King's chambers who told me I was doing great and that I deserved a rest. Now nobody there offers me quests... does it stop til I hit level 40 or am I missing going somewhere? Thanks!

Dec 31, 2008
I have a similar problem. Is the rest level based or have I missed something in the quest cycle. I'm level 39 currently.


Feb 11, 2009
its a parallel world that follows the main story line. go play in mooshoo and ds and you will be able to come back to finsih each of their parts as you level up. there is another post somewher around here that has the level requirements.

May 16, 2009
I am having the same problem. I went back and talked to the headmaster, who send me back to Bjorn Ironclaws. He thanked me again and that is it. I am unable to continue any further. I'm level 33.

May 22, 2009
I can help all of you and all who read this.

Grizzleheim is a place that offers new quests as you progress through the game. The first time you go to grizzleheim is a minial task, and not actually the real grizzleheim for everything is blocked off and their are low level items. You go to the real grizzleheim when your at level 20 by talking to the headmaster.

Now, for your problem. Every 10 levels, an area opens up. So you wont be able to go do more quests there until you are at level 40, Alluvar, MaceWindu69, and icecold61 .