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What are your thought on leveling in Beastmoon Hunt?

Dec 09, 2008
Beastmoon Hunt players! We're continually looking to improve the event both in resolving existing issues but also looking to improve working systems.

What are your thoughts on how leveling vs tierring currently works in the Beastmoon Hunt? Which one do you tend to focus on more?

Aug 30, 2014
I focus exclusively on tiering. Lunari is too hard to come by to do leveling. When the Beastmoon first came out before tiers held your level, I found myself in a vicious cycle of needing lunari to tier but needing higher level forms to be effective in battle in order to earn the lunari! I very much appreciate the change to tiers that let you make progress and keep it.

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
My biggest concern is I feel like changes are not communicated effectively. Not just in Beastmoon, but in updates in general. If there are any changes-please just communicate them and garner feedback before implementing them is my request.

I will currently level up to tier 3ish each time usually on my top 3 Beastmoon Forms.

I have unlocked 1 Beastmoon Form, but largely am unable to "tier up" any due to how rare the required Reagents are. It's confusing how there are the gold and colored ones?

I also feel like "Leveling up" is a lot more useful than "tiering up", as it allows access to more spells. Tiering up only lets you hold more treasure cards, but I feel like by the time I've leveled up my Beastmoon Form there is already enough TC room.

So basically I don't feel like upgrading the "tier" is really worth it/worth going after especially since the reagents are so rare.

If I could make a suggestion it would to be to keep leveling essentially as it is, but that the tiering system needs some sort of "plus" to it. Perhaps it could be you gain access to a extra move similar to the new Will Cast Talents at a high tier or even just access to an additional card in hand. Or a slight health boost or extra pip spot?

Nov 16, 2016
I fully agree with Moira's comments.

Apr 08, 2015
I focused on tiering. But in my opinion they should increase the lunari rate up a little. When you win a game you get to little lunari as reward and take you forever to tier a form and when you can do it you only have one form tier up and sometimes other players can take your max tier form.

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
Perhaps I am unaware of a recent change as there seems to be multiple people that choose to tier up. What exactly are the perks of leveling up (other than the lunari cost savings) like what do you get from it? Is it just the extra TC space?


Jun 19, 2010
Either leveling or tiering - the main issue is lunari, or lack there-of. I was happy when your tier level became your start level in an event. However if you spend most of your lunari on tiering to have an automatic level, you are often limited to one or two beast forms advanced enough to play successfully.

I have been in matches in which I was not fast enough to select my preferred and advanced forms and had to select one of the remaining "no tier /gold idol" needed forms - at level one. It was a very difficult match to play. Especially during this event because my only option required 3 pips - which were non existent. Additionally I was not familiar with using the cards, just had experience in being hit by them in the past. Many times the card does not do what you think the description implies.

Unless a member buys the scroll of fortune lunari are very slim for a player that wants to get past tier 2, especially if they need to level a few "back-up alternative" forms. I have purchased the scroll of fortune several times and even with all those lunari benefits I only have most of my 4 beast forms at tier 2, one is tier 3.

At the start of an event I level, then I save all my lunari and decide if I want to spend some (if I have been successful in matches and have enough) on tiering at the end of the event. But I save at least 500 lunari so I will be able to initially level at the start of the next event.

Rough calculations of lunari awarded in a match: lose 10-12 lunari, win 22 - 35 lunari. Average matches per hour if you really grind at it 4 or 5. So if you win all 5 you might be lucky enough to obtain 175 lunari per hour - on a good and perfect day, if you win all matches and they are fast matches. We all know that is the best case possible, and in real life seldom happens. ( I generally average about 100 lunari per hour and can find time to play about 3 hours per day)

Again, as in many aspects of Wizard101, success costs real cash to purchase crowns to be able to obtain the necessary items to succeed. Without being able to purchase the scroll of fortune, with the lunari rewards, I never would be able to tier any of my forms beyond 3 due to the escalating cost as you go up in tiers.

I understand the developers perspective in not "handing out all the cookies to easily" or there would be no purpose in advancement and achievement.

Maybe if some of the Beastmoon seeds were to rare drop Lunari it would make it a bit easier for those that can not afford the crowns to purchase Scrolls of Fortune. At least if plants drop lunari, there would be time between events to accumulate a few more lunari so when the event starts there is a better chance to obtain tiers or levels.

I am already hearing from players in the game, they really like the concept of Beastmoon but may quit because they can no longer keep up with assortment of forms, tier or level, and not able to obtain the necessary lunari to stay competitive with an advanced beast form.

Another aspect is the beast forms themselves. It is very frustrating that the original forms, which I spent many lunari on to tier and level, are now almost ineffective with their cards against the newer forms. I am reluctant to use my lunari because I may need it for a future form - but I must spend it before I obtain 5000 - because that is the max allowed. Such a conundrum.

To sum it up - if you level the lunari spent are gone at the end of the event. If you tier, your beast form will start at that level. You must spend it before you reach 5000 lunari. But what beast form will be released next that makes most of my current forms severely inadequate?

Dec 05, 2010
I thought I would be able to tier up but since I don't buy the scroll I would have to not level up during a beastmoon and save the lunari, which doesn't work because not being levelled up makes beastmoon so hard. If lunari was gettable in another way I would tier up. As it is I only level up

Aug 24, 2013
Hi, I focus on tiering, but to only level/tier 3. And then level up the beastmoon form from then on as the amount of lunari required to tier onwards is huge. Besides, I don’t have a favourite beastmoon form, I pick forms which are strong against the common unlocked forms for that beastmoon hunt. For example, if the ice colossus and ice krokomummy forms are locked for the duration of that beastmoon event, then what is the point of leveling or tiering the fire elf if all the storm forms are free to be used. As I’ve unlocked most beastforms, it becomes harder and harder to see which ones are locked for that beastmoon event. Would it be possible to make a post of the beastmoon forms which are locked for each beastmoon event, as it will help knowing which form to level/tier up for that specific event? Otherwise I’m just running ~5 test runs to see which forms are being used until I start to get a sense of which forms people are using. The golden beast form idol rewarded during the event definitely helps to know which forms are locked ;)

Feb 12, 2015
samblue140 on Jun 9, 2020 wrote:
I focused on tiering. But in my opinion they should increase the lunari rate up a little. When you win a game you get to little lunari as reward and take you forever to tier a form and when you can do it you only have one form tier up and sometimes other players can take your max tier form.
My sentiments exactly. I focus on tiers as well. But it takes forever to obtain enough Lunari to get a tier, so I've only been able to upgrade two Beast forms. If Lunari was easier to come by, such as through Blossoms or increased rewards, that would be an improvement.

Apr 18, 2013

Everyone agrees Lunari is hard to come by, so why waste it on leveling?

I play a tier 5 draconian healer. I spend tons of coins per Hunt. I'm talking 50 - 100 coins to help my team. I open chests to recoup coins and to also get 0 pip cards. My tier 5 healer has some real strong cards like the aoe Spider and Spirit Harvest, however, while I make the best use out of my tier 5 healer, spending all my coins and all, I cannot do much without pips. I also rely on communication. I make sure to let my team know I work well with 'dots'. Not every beast can dot or shield though. Oh yeah, I can die quickly if the team is not shielding. I do not like joining a battle just to die. Too many times I only get 1 turn. Tier 5 healer should never be 3rd or 4th in a battle because it is easy target practice if no one is shielding. It is not fun when I spend many minutes searching for pips, then join a battle just to die before I get a turn. Spider aoe requires 5 pips to use. I barely get to use it. And those death enemies hit way too hard (and hit under shields). I find I do a lot better using any lesser tiered beast at times.

Tier 5 draconian healer needs an upgrade badly. I agree with those saying to give an incentive to tiering up. The amount of health and pips allowed might help. But now we have 2 new healer beast forms introduced. I'm not yet familiar with them. I just hope my tier 5 healer is not obsolete now with newer healers tiering up.

As healer, it's not wise for me to engage a 1v1. I had 2 toxic players yelling at me for not capping, even though our team had a missing player and everyone else in battles, and the enemy team had 2 active players.
I've also encountered people fleeing with healers in the battle. These must be kids not knowing how the game works. I ask "why did you flee?" and they say because you weren't healing me. Are they serious? First, it is a great debate amongst myself if it is more beneficial to heal or hit. Secondly, I only have oh so many cards that would actually heal the dead with the pips or cards that I have in my hand. Thirdly, one should never flee without understanding the situation, especially with a healer (or healers) in the battle. At least ask first. And fourth, I totally was about to heal that guy on the turn that he fled.

I totally agree with Angus, who agrees with Moira.

Improvements for draconian healer:
- I would like to have access to more than just 2 'wings'.
- lessen the pips needed to use the heal/blade card.

- allow me to survive more than 1 or 2 rounds.
- Perhaps a healer's 'hot' card (heal over time) could revive the dead if the healer is the one using it.
- Just give me something to feel as if my tier 5 beast can fare better than a tier 3 of any other beast form.

A thought:
This map, I spent so much time searching for pips, and the Hunts seemed to go so fast, I sometimes only made it into 1 or 2 battles. And oftentimes I find myself out of battles, roaming by myself with so many great cards that I cannot use if I am not in any battle, all those coins I spent, all go to waste.

Overall improvements:
- Make descriptions easier to understand. This is no minor request.
- Give more Lunari. (btw, Rowantime6, isn't max Lunari per battle 30?)
- Give us a warning if we are going over the 5000 max Lunari allowed. Just think, to upgrade to a tier 5 beast, we need 4800 Lunari, but if we go above 5000, we don't get the Lunari to our account, meaning, we lose our Lunari! Change this.
- Scrolls of Fortune show us we get Lunari with the beast upgrade rewards, but it does not flat out tell us the Lunari given. We have to figure it out for ourselves. And this is how players can and will lose out on their hard earned, and in this case, paid for Lunari.
Have the Scroll of Fortune tell us the amount of Lunari given with each beast upgrade reward.

Oct 25, 2009
I have managed to tier one beast form to 4, so each hunt I have to level that one back up to 5. I have 3 backup forms that i've managed to get to tier 3, and also have to level them up to 5. I only tier up so I can retain my level.

I agree we should get more lunari for each hunt. Maybe in the form of a reward for playing a certain amount of games during the beastmoon week....the more you play the more lunari are rewarded.

And pips!!! oh my goodness please get the pips fixed so we do not have to wander forever trying to get pips...they should be regenerated more often during the hunts.