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The current map and primary causality of victory

Dec 01, 2021

I have been playing various MMO games for a quarter of a century. While I am new to this game, there are only so many ways to skin a cat.

The current map is a study in resource scarcity. Specifically in the form of power pips. There is a far greater demand for them then the supply will allow. As a result of this, the matches follow the same predictable pattern over and over again.

Two packs emerge from each base swimming in a clockwise rotation capping and moving on. After the first circuit is completed, the packs split seeking pips. One team has more success due to random luck than the other and begins looking to initiate combat. A less experienced player, shall we say, from the other teams accepts combat. This forces his teammates into battle at a pip disadvantage. The team with more starting pips wins the vast majority of the time.

While the skill of players and the development of beast forms plays a strong factor in outcome, even the best players are at a severe disadvantage when a fight is started prematurely from their perspective. In my opinion, this reality determines the outcome of far more games than any other factor.

The only games that are close, and therefore come down to skill and preparation are the games that one side has the pip advantage in the first fight while the other side does in the second resulting in an early split or in which no one accepts battle early and both sides have time to reach full strength. The second game is very annoying however as both teams are literally circling for far too long gathering pips and I think most often caused by the pips being discovered evenly between the players. Especially the high pip beasts which means no one fills up quickly.
