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Penalized for leave a horrible group.

Oct 27, 2009
Tell me, tell me why.

I join a random match and every person on the team is the most horrible beastmoon player
that you could think of in your mind and your mad. Your not saying a word and 5 mins in every
mistake they make puts the score at 62 them and 4 US.

Tell me how it's justified that I get a penalty of time out because ALL five wear worthless and it
was CLEAR they never even read the instructions or any type of strategy guides or any training from a mentor of any type.

So, IM the one that gets a penalty for saying forget this, Im not wasting another 20 mins of my life on this complete loss. That is what it is, a complete loss. My death over and over because new players or trolls are dieing on purpose to lose the match.

Why am I penalized for saying FORGET THIS waste of another 30 mins of my life for these players who
have no clue what they are doing or for people who are 100% trying to make us lose since they are on the other team?