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Life Deckathlon Deck Confusion Please teach a newb

Aug 27, 2009
Hey all. I am using the first deck purchasable in the Tower and have it set with a couple or sprites, shields, traps, and blades, then the rest of the deck is attacks. In my first two tried today, I had to flee because the only thing that could attack was my little pet. The problem is that should I discard something, I cannot draw, so I stopped doing that. I tried just using the cards and hoping that the others would appear in my hand, but instead my hand size began depleting without any new cards being added to it nor was the Draw button able to be used. I was just wasting cards standing there unable to attack both times. How do I change things in my deck so that the hand size stops shrinking and the other cards available in the deck appear?

Aug 27, 2009
I figured out the issue. I did not realize that you could only use the Treasure Cards purchased from a vendor or gotten by drops. I had been making my own treasure cards as a Necromancer and attempting to use them.