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Feedback Friday - Deckathalon Event Feedback

Community Leader
I love the concept of the deckatahlon, an awesome experience for both higher and lower levels! I was thinking when you placer higher on the leaderboard, perhaps adding in a unique "award" such as a banner with the deckathalon name on it, a trophy, a flag, ect. that represents the fun Ravenwood challenge. I enjoyed playing through the Deckathalon, and can't wait to see what else is done with it!

WhiteTiger93: Youtuber and Streamer Here --- Content Creator for Arcanum Archives. Check us out here for guides and events!
Feb 12, 2015
iWhiteTiger93 on Jun 12, 2019 wrote:
I love the concept of the deckatahlon, an awesome experience for both higher and lower levels! I was thinking when you placer higher on the leaderboard, perhaps adding in a unique "award" such as a banner with the deckathalon name on it, a trophy, a flag, ect. that represents the fun Ravenwood challenge. I enjoyed playing through the Deckathalon, and can't wait to see what else is done with it!
Unique housing items? What a great idea! They could throw in rare or event-exclusive housing items! Sparck, you seeing this?

Feb 28, 2013
I guess I'm the only one who doesn't like the event.
The rewards aren't worth it, and I have better things to do than spend 12-15 hrs a day grinding.

Jul 03, 2009
I enjoy the deckathalan event, HOWEVER, How is it possible to get 22,000 points? I played every night for 6 hours a day and only got up to 1227???

Where can you get some of these regents to craft the Deathly Hands of Fate and the Ice Hands of Fate? I got the recipes for the transmute enhanced but there is no where I can find recipes for the superior, strengthening, and improvement runes. If you are going to tell me that I can only get those by doing runs, that's crazy. After doing runs for over 40 hours I didn't get enough runes to craft the glove???? If that's the case, I am not going to play this event any more.


Oct 11, 2010
I think there could be a better introduction to the Deckathalon event, such as a quest.
I came to the game one day completely confused on what it is, and I'm still very confused on how it's supposed to work. Maybe if there was a better explanation in game, more people would be interested in it.

Jun 22, 2015
The Fire Decathlon welcomed great changes from the past two events. (I LOVED not having the leaderboard- this made it possible for everyone to acquire the pet through the personal rewards and SLEEP- THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REMOVING the leaderboard). I also LOVED having the global progress bar open the entire event. However, the strengthening runes drop rate is still too EXTREMELY low. After farming the event everyday I only received 3 runes and at most I know someone received 12. (This is farming 8 hours a day everyday non stop level 4 last boss). Please increase the drop rate, but overall I am very pleased that you listened to the community and made changes! Thank you!!

Dec 09, 2008
treasurehunter112 on Jul 17, 2019 wrote:
The Fire Decathlon welcomed great changes from the past two events. (I LOVED not having the leaderboard- this made it possible for everyone to acquire the pet through the personal rewards and SLEEP- THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REMOVING the leaderboard). I also LOVED having the global progress bar open the entire event. However, the strengthening runes drop rate is still too EXTREMELY low. After farming the event everyday I only received 3 runes and at most I know someone received 12. (This is farming 8 hours a day everyday non stop level 4 last boss). Please increase the drop rate, but overall I am very pleased that you listened to the community and made changes! Thank you!!
Great to hear, thanks for the positive feedback! We're working on balance tweaks like for the runes drop rate.

Aug 06, 2009
First of all, for this Deckathalon, I was disappointed that we no longer had the leaderboards, there was no Ravenwood pet, and that it took too few points to earn the class pet. I do realize that it took a lot of points to stay within the top 25 to earn the pet in the previous Deckathalons, however, I feel that the event could have had some tweaks that met a happy medium rather than to rid of the leaderboards altogether and dramatically make the pet (the top reward) take A LOT less effort/points to get. I felt that this was rather unfair to the winners and top 25 of the previous Deckathalons and how much effort they put into it and getting theirs. There also really was no ultimate reward like a mount to try to get and the rarest reagents still were impossible to get even after farming the highest tiers which left some players I talked to wondering where and how they dropped if not for dropping from a pack. I participated in the previous Deckathalons and reached within the top 25 and even I didn't get any to be able to craft the final hands. I have to admit that the changes to this Deckathalon disappointed me so greatly that I did contact KI and I have yet to receive any sort of reply.

Here are my suggestions:

1. Restore the leaderboards: Make Deckathalon 3-4 days only instead of a week long. This takes some time away that is encouraging unhealthy habits. Making it over a later portion of the week and weekend should allow players some time to participate. ie Thurs - Sunday. I don't hear people complain that double xp or sales only run that long and they have no chance to do it/buy them, they always find some time to participate.
2. For each Deckathalon, release a different type of Ravenwood type pet that is for participation and can be collected after so many points from the bar (same as it is now) Make sure these pets have fairly decent talents on them but not to compete with the top rewarded class pet. Talents should be useful and not so randomly scattered and useless like the Ravenwood pet.

3. Have more rewards for the more points that are earned, not just reagents or treasure cards that can be used for the event, but perhaps some cheaper crown shop housing items/gear. That way, if some players don't have more time to invest in the event for the class pet, they still feel they left with something rewarding and good for their time.

4. Try to encourage players to farm stage 3 and 4 stages by having better rewards for them. This could be some random sort of boss drops, even a mount which will make farming the higher tiers/event more worthwhile.

5. Release a new mount to be specifically given out for Deckathalon winners just to have something different than what we already have in game but don't make it like some cheesy sort of school mount. I mean unless you can release a dragon spitting fire for fire Deckathalon or something, then that would be cool.

6. Release more treasure cards not commonly found in library and first of all, lower price of upcoming balance blade, 2000 is ridiculous and extremely costly when buying in bulk, unless the more you buy, the cheaper it is. Buying any treasure card in bulk with a slight discount would be great altogether.

7. Make the hands of fate, enchanted hands of hate, etc usable for the event, all they do is provide an extra blade, no beneficial stats.

8. Encourage/reward players to try to earn more points by rewarding badges by how many are earned with top badges going to top winners. There are players that just collect badges.

9. Make the "exclusive" labeling of owners of the class pets visible to other players so they know and understand it is a special pet that was earned. Right now, it is only visible to their owners.

10. I really believe that this event should have more (awesome) rewards for ALL players the more points they have earned, however, I feel that the class pet should still remain one of the top rewards to earn since it was made by Kingsisle to be a more exclusive reward. It is nice to have one thing in the game that is "special"

I hope that some improvements to the next Deckathalon can be made, the most recent changes to the fire one made it incredibly boring for me. I liked the leaderboards to keep me on my toes and keep me interested while I farmed it over and over again which is very repetitious. This event just left me a zombie. After I received my points for the pet, I hardly found a reason to farm it any longer since there really wasn't any more rewards to get. The hands are a bit large and strange for me to be interested in for a stitch, not to mention, impossible to craft due to nonexistent reagents to craft them. The event just felt boring and unrewarding for me in the end, but that's just me.

Aug 26, 2015
New ideas for deckathlon event.
Leaderboard (top score) should stay same but with changes:

Show max points from wizards (top score).
Top score no give more rewards.

But a new challenge appear...
You can join to a team ( and ). You can see the points in the leaderboard. If you team win, you have special rewards for you and your team when deckathlon event end. If your team lose you have other rewards.
For wizard can join to a team and count need do 100 points. Support a team. Team wins if team have highest points .

Team winner:
Trophy gold deckathlon event (name school ) item house.
Badge: Team warrior (name school ) friends deckathlon.
Mount: gobbler.
Ultimate rune x10
(name school ) friends rewards.

Team no winner:
Trophy silver deckathlon event (name school ) item house.
Ultimate rune x5
Badge: Team (name school ) friends deckathlon.

Community bar:
Count all points from your equip and team opponent.
Only show progress points, no exact points.
You can see points (Community bar) when you join in a team (wizard can not change if wizard enter in a team).

Jun 22, 2015
Can the drop rates of strengthening runes be improved or the remaining stages be added so they are easier to attain. My current drop rate is .02% right now :( Otherwise I enjoy doing the events!


Jun 22, 2015
Just watched a video posted from the leader of the event. He said It takes him 3 hours to use a credit (once again proving the leaderboard does NOT accurately measure skill, but rather TIME). He using pet heal/shield rng and minion strategy proving once again that the leaderboard does NOT accurately measure any skill, but rather in game RNG.

Remove the limit/leaderboard! Revert the changes!

Aug 26, 2015
Reduce damage flat, spells damage from enemies is very high.
New ways for play. Wizard can choose only one in all the event:
Normal mode: points increase to 4 credits. Wizard can not enter in top score. Wizard can buy 4 credits with 1000 gold.
Endurance mode: points 3 credits each day. Wizard can enter in top score. Wizard can not buy credits.

Jul 02, 2009
As it gives you deck one as a reward make deck recipes available either outside the tower or Deck two should be available upon completing stage one. More damage mitigation would help as stage 6 currently dots you and keeps dotting you. Without more mitigation the higher levels are frustrating. Increase the health benefit from the jewel used.

Having the event deck be underpowered for the opponents on that stage is damaging the game because people will be less likely to complete it. Make the treasure cards be able to defeat the stage opponent with that number of pips. Frost giant costs a lot and does not enough damage to justify use in the tower.

Have official KI videos for each stage because some of the fan videos are nonexistent or inappropriate language is used.